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Q: What do you like about QVC?
It's often on in the background.
I live on my own and put it on when there is not much else on tv unless there is a particular item I want to see, I find it strangely reassuring, comfort blanket tv I call it, and you do get the odd good value Tsv :mysmilie_59:
I live in hicksville so I like seeing the sort of things folk with big department stores take for granted (which is why I miss it now that Q seem to have reduced the variety of products in the last year or do)
QVC is like an old friend, always there. I have watched it almost from day one, over the years I have never had a problem with the service I have had. I must admit I now do price comparison before I buy anything, but imo that is a sign of the times and the many outlets that are available to the consumer....
Often on in the background here too.
It's introduced me to brands I'd not have tried.
I can send stuff back (within reason) if I really hate it.
I like watching the self importance of some of the sales assistants who work on Q. I miss the good presenters like Paul Lavers and Steve Whatley (RIP)
I have been watching since day one or two I can't exactly remember.
It used to be my back ground T.V of choice but I would rather have Create and Craft on in the back ground these days even though I HAVE NEVER made any sort of craft item I find the exchanges between the presenters and the guests far more gentile then all of the shouting that seems to be Q's main stay these days.
I still buy the odd item from Q but only after I have read reviews on the likes of Amazon and priced checked it, and if I am not to sure if I will like it knowing I can always send it back using the 30MBG.
Q has changed so much over the years and in my humble opinion not always for the best, they have lost a lot of the "family" feel they used to have and are far more ruthless than they used to be with all of the hard sell some of the presenters now use.
I have QVC on most days when I am at home, I like it as background noise even if I am not watching it very closely. I do turn off if one or two presenters are on but generally it feels like you are watching old friends on the tv. I would certainly miss it if I wasn't there.
I used to have QVC on a lot in the back when on the laptop etc, but I found it started to annoy me for some reason.

I only look if interested in a TSV now, Elemis and Wen at present. I watch the odd bit but it rarely grabs me. I did not buy for months but recently bought the Wen TSV(the Elemis one just wasn't for me), and then the friendship bracelet in amethyst.
Right! madmax and Donna are now BANNED from this thread! due to elements of an unfriendly nature towards QVC in their posts :mysmilie_11:
Like others have said, it's good for background company much like daytime tv programmes such as Bargain Hunt, Escape to the Country etc.

I've been introduced to brands I wouldn't have otherwise tried and loved quite a few. I always include p&p for delivery and potential return to get a true price, do a comparison with other sites and then decide whether to buy. The 30 day mbg works for me for things like skincare.

We may moan about the selling tactics and some service but it's still a good retail means if you are 'sensible'.
It also used to be my background telly of choice, but recently not so much, I still look out for new product ranges and enjoy learning about them, but the TSV is something I never used to miss, I always went on the website to check out the upcoming ones. I am not so fixated now and I also factor in PnP etc before I buy. I miss the "old days" too!
I'm a non beauty customer and I have a confession to make:

I remember shortly after I first started to watch Q I caught the end of a a Liz Earl show. I had never heard of the brand but there was an offer on for cleanse and polish so I sent for it. Duly it arrived, a tube, a towel and a small bottle of liquid. I used it but liked the bottle of liquid. Now I mistakenly thought the tube was the cleanse and the liquid the polish and spent ages and ages searching for this polish on its own until if finally dawned that it was actually tonic I was using. By that time I had lost interest in it. In my defence I have very sensitive skin and don't experiment much so it all passes me by a bit.

Anyone else have anything to confess?
I don`t watch it on the telly anymore. I am turning into a grumpy old woman because the shrieking presenters really grate on me and the hard sell and constant talk of "gifting" really annoys me. So these days i browse Q online, looks down the day`s programme list and take a peek at the online video of anything which might interest me. Nowadays I buy so little from them but their SBC mally and ABC tsv`s always catch my eye.
i have watched qvc since day one. i like having it on in the background. the diamonique in those days was cheap as chips and i still wear and love most of it. some i have sold on for a good price. qvc takes itself too seriuosly however and not all the stuff they sell now is great value or good quality.

i agree that the old days with paul lavers and whatters was the best.
its often on in the background here too, it is like a comfort blanket and a friendly face when its been a long day... some shows i watch for entertainment (any B&W show with Simon is pure entertainment to me!!) i just look at the buying as an added extra lol
I've been watching since day one & have to admit to been a huge QVC junkie for years.

I've bought so much stuff that even now I could open a shop with my horde.

Nowadays,I can take or leave it tbh & seldom have it on.I generally just look at their website to see if there's anything I fancy but that's getting increasingly rarer & rarer.

There's just so much choice out there & I don't have to suffer the voices of Charlie,Jill Franks, Catherine,Chloe & Marverine.

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