Registered Shopper
.......that bliddy PocketSurfer :17:
.......that bliddy PocketSurfer :17:
Craft.................:ANYWORD: LOL
The same three bloody models who never shut up.
The salt and pepper mill which comes with, wait for it, a free one!!!!...and they light up too!!!
One question. Why?
Thats it CRAFT.......thank goodness you are here I would loose my marbles otherwise.
:lol: it's too late for me
Don't let IW get hold of them or they may make a blockbuster 4 day deal out of them. :18:
Craft, Karcher, Bissell, Pocketsurfer, the virgin balloon flight which seems to be on 24/7 at the moment.
Why is nothing good on permanently?
:18::18:don't let iw get hold of them or they may make a blockbuster 4 day deal out of them. :18: