The Perricone Neuropeptides Collection TSV 26/02/2015


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The ml for ml value, of all three products purchased individually, on the Perricone website is, indeed, £361. As we are getting a bargain with the tsv, why not plump - pardon the pun - for the neuropeptide facial conformer? Yes it is a "considered purchase", at £399 for 59ml. But if it transforms your face from Mother Theresa (no insult to the great lady, her wrinkles were earned through toil and suffering, and she ought to have been proud of them), into Emma Watson, it's a must!:mysmilie_17:
Another absolute con and I can't understand how they get away with it. I wish some women weren't so bloody gullible, these people play on other people insecurities they shoul be stopped.
This skincare is just too expensive if I loved it & it made me look 30 again I couldn't afford to re-order so would I come back to my present age overnight?CH was going on about how she loved the eyecream as she was getting lots of fine lines below her eyes-- how old is she?They talk about wrinkles in 20's & 30's expect we over 60's nearing 70 are not worth bothering about.We'll have 10 year olds using anti aging next!
We'll have 10 year olds using anti aging next!
I think there was a documentary where mothers (in the USA?) whose little daughters participate in beauty pageants as old as eight go for botox injections, the mothers take the daughters to the botox clinics.
Another absolute con and I can't understand how they get away with it. I wish some women weren't so bloody gullible, these people play on other people insecurities they shoul be stopped.

BB, I concur 100%. Seems like the type of product the BTY show would feature.
Dr Perricone boasts about his background in nutritional research. In fact, he has in the past credited what one eats, with having either a positive or negative effect on one's skin. Why, therefore, would anyone who trusts this man, believe that his overpriced potions alone, will give the skin the appearance of a freshly plastered wall? The importance of one's diet isn't even mentioned, even fleetingly, during the shows. They probably don't even consider that we do our own research into anything QVC sells!

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