The Peony Flaaaars Women


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Jun 26, 2008
She's wearing a rather unusual skirt, very full and stiff. She reminds me of those toilet roll holders that my great aunt used to crochet - a woman's body from the waist up and a 'crinoline' skirt that hides the roll. She sat them on the window sill rather than on the toilet cistern as she had one of those high cisterns with the long pipe down the wall into the toilet.
My Mum used to make them ! but instead of knitting/crocheting, she would create the dress from a plastic doily bent to shape and the cut out bit in the middle to house the dolly, she would turn into a hat. All the edges were thread with ribbon and looked very pretty. She did them in various colours - oh those 50's days of crafting !!!
I remember those. We must be SO vulgar these days, leaving our toilet rolls on display:blush:

Does she own that big, fancy place in the ads?
I remember those. We must be SO vulgar these days, leaving our toilet rolls on display:blush:

Does she own that big, fancy place in the ads?

I suspect she rents it. In fact, freely-obtainable data from business insight websites (the registered address is 'Gardeners' Cottage') seems to suggest that she lives in some little bungalow thing in the grounds - the actual pile is probably owned by someone else. Regardless of who owns it, I think it was bought, rather than inherited and I imagine she avoids the council estate she was brought up in like the plague because she's FAR better than that now.

A touch of the Michelle Mones.
I was under the impression her parents bought the estate some years ago. They probably had to diversify outbuildings into a business to meet the upkeep costs of the land and buildings.
With all the QVC items Jill has they must have at least 10 rooms as she loves and uses it all !
I would have a look but I don't know who Jill Franks' husband is - prey tell, so I can peek.

As for Julie's drindle skirt - I was brought up wearing those with layers of mesh underskirts in all sorts of colours - so we're talking a 50s look sorry that gives my age away, anyway I loved 50s fashion, if I had the figure I'd still be wearing some of it - those great rock and roll years of Elvis, Bill Hailey and the Comets etc etc etc LoL :mysmilie_8::mysmilie_19:
Jill's husband is Larry and his company is Beige. It's an advertising and PR company.
I would have a look but I don't know who Jill Franks' husband is - prey tell, so I can peek.

As for Julie's drindle skirt - I was brought up wearing those with layers of mesh underskirts in all sorts of colours - so we're talking a 50s look sorry that gives my age away, anyway I loved 50s fashion, if I had the figure I'd still be wearing some of it - those great rock and roll years of Elvis, Bill Hailey and the Comets etc etc etc LoL :mysmilie_8::mysmilie_19:

I'm not far behind you, I was 5 in 1960. I had a couple of dresses with dirndl skirts. I remember one vividly, it was lemon coloured nylon net patterned with tiny blue flock flowers. The underskirt was yellow shiny 'satin' and underneath that was a layer of plastic foam that made the skirt stand out nicely (necessary because at that age I didn't have the figure to put the shape into the skirt !). The foam was the sort that baby sponges are made of nowadays. Today it would be banned as a fire risk !!

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