The Non Craft item tread


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Jul 7, 2011
6AM Show - They are now selling a Halogen Oven!

Wasn't this meant to be a Craft Channel?

If they are already diversifying into selling all manner of other junk IW sell - Is this the beginning of the end or are they just trying to find ANYTHING that'll sell at this point?

Wonder what we'll get next? Vacuum cleaner that won't pick up? Memory foam mattress? Steam Cleaner? Antique Laptops? Miracle ceramic pans?
I think the cooking and sewing related items (steamer to iron items that have been made at home) come under the 'Hobby' in their name. And the rose bushes would be a gardening related hobby. None of the above are hobbies I'm interested in and they will probably lose viewers who expected all the shows to be papercrafting.
I think there are lots of people who enjoy cooking but not the everyday stuff and kitchen equipment will appeal to them. It was a stretch to include a clothes steamer (it wasn't a steam cleaner) but it's something useful for dressmakers, quilters etc. so why not sell it - the same applies to the sewing machine they had on.

They did start off by saying they would cover hobbies arts and crafts. They can't win at the moment though - if it's not papercraft they are being knocked for selling it. But it's not that long ago people were moaning about C&C concentrating on papercraft and they wanted to see a wider variety of crafts.
I think you will just have to cherry pick the shows you want from each channel in the future and not expect to watch one all day.
There was a battery operated hand held mixer yesterday which should mix while standing in a bowl unaided.Unfortunately they couldn't get it to perform despite changing to a bigger bowl.

I suppose they could be classing cooking as a hobby but its a bit of a stretch.

Agree with Carrots ,it is quite good to switch on and see a variety of items,speaking as a channel hopper,but they do need to sort out the echo ,sometimes its difficult to hear what's being said clearly.
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It isn't supposed to be just a Craft channel and certainly never a papercraft channel. People are just amused that some of the stuff flogged on the other shopping channels are getting an airing , like the halogen oven.
I can see what's happening here, they are pushing Team International (Team UKI) items, aka Efbe-Schott.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the new Shop at Bid. This is obviously what Mr Wright wanted Bid TV to become.

See for yourselves, any one of the items featured on this website could appear next...
If they start to sell similar items to Bid or IW they are doomed by association, in my view. I just don't 'get' this new channel, and over the weekend I've tried several times to watch things. This morning, I've just looked again and it's Lee Clark (naturally!!) with a lady guest, doing something called "Wow of the Weekend" (I could make a comment here, but won't). The camera has just cut to her arm and wrist again(!), which means you cannot see what she is doing with the craftwork - some kind of papercrafts - because the camera angles are all over the place, other than on her hands. To make things worse, one hand is half-hidden by a big bright pink 'banner' across the bottom of the screen, showing the product number and price! Two points: (1) are there any other presenters apart from Lee Clark? (2) why are the on-screen graphics and camera angles such a mess?
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Just caught the end of the 4 AM show -

ELVIS COLLECTABLES!!! - OMG - Reminds me of things you used to win at Bingo at the places on the seafront in Blackpool,

Playing cards, Coasters, Fridge magnets, Plates, Ceramic ornaments, Calendars, Even replica sunglasses :))

ByeBye Craft - Hello bootsale
Just caught the end of the 4 AM show -

ELVIS COLLECTABLES!!! - OMG - Reminds me of things you used to win at Bingo at the places on the seafront in Blackpool,

Playing cards, Coasters, Fridge magnets, Plates, Ceramic ornaments, Calendars, Even replica sunglasses :))

ByeBye Craft - Hello bootsale

In a later show it was framed pictures of the Queen Mother ..............All we need is the printed tea towels.....LOL......
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