The Letter
Really ticked off at this as I thought they'd stopped doing this. From what you say, you keep more than you send back or it averages out over the time. Here is my experience of 'the letter' which I received a few years. Most important thing to remember is, you are the buyer, QVC are the seller, this automatically means that you are more use to them than they are to you. Without QVC, Sally can still buy from other TV channels for her her crafting supplies or visit local shops, internet etc Ok, not with 30day MBG, could involve trip into town, wiping out savings (if any made) Which is why the start of this paragraph is important. You are the client, they need you more than you need them. Before calling them, check out your account on you web site and total the items bought and kept and write down and keep handy. To digress I had bought my last PC's, last 4 printers, my surround sound system, 3 freeview boxes and 3 2 DVD recorders. All of which I kept. I then made the mistake of ordering some craft item totalling over £250 of which I reurned about £30 worth as it was substandard/damaged on arrive. This obviously set the alarm bells ringing and I got 'The Letter'. The resulting converation started out pleasant enough but it soon became apparant that my returns were the issue. So, I pointed out the total of goods I had kept which outweighed to stuff I'd returned and asked if they'd prefer me take my business elsewhere as there were plenty of places selling their products. QVC, I pointed out should consider me a valued customer even if I'd only bought from them once before because If I'm happy with a retailer, I tend to stick with them and the things I was hapiest with them were their excellent CS, the letter I got a few months after I'd bought a product telling me that it was being relaunched and I was therefore getting a refund of the difference between the new lower price and the one I'd originally paid AND the fact that I can try the items in my home and return for a full refund if dissatisfied. I guess that (maybe) becuse I kept my cool and didn't shout or scream, the QVC guy was able to see that losing my patronage would be a bad thing. Ok, I had bought a lot of 'high end' goods and spent some serious dosh BUT, it's my opinion, and should be all of yours too, that a purchase is a sale, a return means there is something wrong with the goods and no self respecting company would want their customers to accept unacceptable goods, they'd want you to be happy with so that you'd stay loyal to them. Since then, If I have to return anything, I always phobe to ask for a pre payment label to save me the postage and right now, I have a major prolem with an item bought over 18 months ago which I promise I will tell you about (if you're still awake after this post), once it has been sorted to the satisfacton of both myself & QVC. After all, we are a partnership and occasionally your partner needs reminding of that - in a nice way of course. Hope you find this helpful Sally. Be firm, be determined, believe in your right to return anything that does suit but above all believe me when I tell you that even the biggest shopping channel can soon become the smallests if they end up losing 1000's of customers every month. Good luck with your problem, I really hope you can get a suitable outcome but at the end of the, it'll be their loss, not your. Please post again to tell us how you got on. BTW, sorry for ranting on but I wanted to try to get everything down that your needed to consider.