LCN Consultation 29 March 2012.pdf
Summary of Proposed Interim Changes
LCN Proposed
70-74 Children‟s Genre Children‟s Genre
75-79 Local TV Genre
80 - 89 News Genres News Genre
92 Adult Service 1
93 Adult Service 2
94 Adult Service 3
95 Adult Service 4
96 Adult Service 5
97 Adult Service 6
98 Adult Service 7
99 Adult Service 8
101-116 Text Genre Text Genre
189 ADULT SLATE gone
193 Babestation 2 moved
194 Playboy moved
199 ADULT SLATE gone
200 Local TV Genre moved
Annex 1 – DMOL’s interim proposal to reunite the Adult genre and move the Local TV genre
Independently of this consultation, Ofcom has requested - pursuant to the UK Code of Broadcast Advertising (the “BCAP Code”) - that DMOL should seek to promptly reunite the split Adult genre on the platform, and position the adult content after all other television channels which involves addressing the positioning of the Local TV genre in relation to the Adult genre.
Specifically, this means:
1. That the two parts of the Adult genre (one currently at LCNs 92 to 99; the other currently at LCNs 189 to 199) should be reunited into one block; and
2. That the Local TV genre (currently at LCN 200) should be positioned ahead of the Adult genre.
This consultation document considers the most appropriate long term position of the adult channels. However, Ofcom‟s view is that an interim solution should be sought given the public protection issues that are raised.
As such we are consulting with the adult and local TV channels on the platform on a proposal to address Ofcom‟s concern on a shorter timescale, as follows:
1. To expand the current Adult genre running from LCNs 92 to 99 (inclusive) to run from LCNs 91 to 100 (inclusive), so that the two channels currently sitting in the overflow section at LCNs 189 to 199 may be reunited with the other Adult channels; and
2. To move the Local TV genre, on an interim basis, from LCN 200 to the LCN 75 to 79 range, in between the Children‟s genre (at LCNs 70 to 74) and the News genre (at LCNs 80 to 89). This, in effect, would mean moving Channel M in Manchester from LCN 200 to LCN 75; though channels may subsequently launch in other areas.
These two proposals are illustrated in the diagram below.
We have asked for responses from the Adult and Local TV channel operators by Wednesday 4 April, so that we might implement any agreed changes by Wednesday 18 April, when c.18% of viewers will be re-tuning for London switchover, and so would pick up channel moves. We will notify stakeholders of any agreed changes on the DMOL website.
We would like to be clear that these proposals are an interim solution, intended to keep channel changes to a minimum consistent with meeting Ofcom‟s immediate concern to ensure that there is a clearly signposted single block of adult content after all the television services. Our longer term proposals for the positioning of adult and local channels are contained within this full consultation document, and any changes we make in the interim are without prejudice to the proposals within this document
Summary of Proposed Interim Changes
LCN Proposed
70-74 Children‟s Genre Children‟s Genre
75-79 Local TV Genre
80 - 89 News Genres News Genre
92 Adult Service 1
93 Adult Service 2
94 Adult Service 3
95 Adult Service 4
96 Adult Service 5
97 Adult Service 6
98 Adult Service 7
99 Adult Service 8
101-116 Text Genre Text Genre
189 ADULT SLATE gone
193 Babestation 2 moved
194 Playboy moved
199 ADULT SLATE gone
200 Local TV Genre moved