The eyes have it!


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Sense of humour intact
Sep 26, 2009
Planet Earth, mostly...
QVC Home Page - don't say you weren't warned!

"Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you're under."

Well SNAP! Frazzled.
Only the other day I looked a that photo & thought "Warning - Berserk Beautician!"

I shall now graciously forgive you the comment you made on a thread that is no more
Didn't someone say she has thyroid problem? I think people with thyroid problem sometimes have that "look" in photos, if they try to look wide eyed and alert.
Come on,its nothing to do with the thyroid.
We all know the truth.

AY for years as gone on about not smiling as it gives you wrinkles. So she is being forced to smile for the photo and is glaring at the photograph(perhaps Will), giving him the death stare. You will die!:grin:
I don't know why but it reminded me of a long ago Halloween film where the theme was a subliminal TV advert lol!

Think I'll avoid the website on the 31st just in case!

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