The departure of Lord Kean


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I agree but I honestly can't believe how slow sales are. No exaggeration here but Mason is barely selling anything, it's astonishing.

Then again the stock is even more repetitive than ever, I guess there's only so many viewers and if they want something they may well have already bought it.

I don't watch any other shopping channels, is it slow on there too? If it's a general slowdown could be a precursor to an economic slowdown. Certainly Bid management have screwed up with the range of products and longer delivery times which is a contributory factor.
Sales are slow because the presenters are being made to sell utter sh*t.

The whole network needs a new start with a new way of selling some actually decent products that will attract more than just the elderly and the stupid. Auction telly looks very dated these days.

I totally agree, it's a tired old fashioned format with many tired old fashioned presenters.

They are relying on older customers who aren't internet savvy but unfortunately for them more and more seniors are becoming increasingly computer literate.

They're desperate, the endless Skin Pharmacy bullshit kind of sums them up.
I don't watch any other shopping channels, is it slow on there too? If it's a general slowdown could be a precursor to an economic slowdown. Certainly Bid management have screwed up with the range of products and longer delivery times which is a contributory factor.

Nothing like as slow, honestly. It's almost as if the days of sell outs is over but people aren't stupid, they know items take sometimes 14 working days for the same exorbitant delivery charge, they know they're well overcharging for tatt and they know their £10 free credit offers are a load of bullshit.

It could be that they've finally, at long last, been rumbled. I mean, £6 of Poundland items for £28 delivered?

Indeed but let's not forget that Guy was happy to play along with all the contemptuous bullshit, his £10 credit spiel was often disgraceful. He basically suggested you were getting items that cost £10 or less for free. Appalling.

I'm sorry he lost his job but to be blunt he's had his snout in the Sit-Up trough for years. It's the customers I reserve most of my sympathy for.

But I wish him well, to be frank I don't know how they can work there as a face of the channels anyway if they have a conscience, he seemed quite content to play along with the BS far more than say Andy or, more recently, Debbie.

But I can't help think he's well out of it. Bid is looking more and more like it's on borrowed time.

True enough. Anyway, it's interesting times at Bid...
I'll miss him a bit, I much prefer him to most the other morning presenters.

I suppose its not really a surprise, they seem to be getting rid of the presenters that don't appeal to a certain demographic (such as Peter with the more elderly viewer or Lisa with the younger ones). I wonder if that's why they repeat sell the same products through the day... in hope one of the presenters will sell more to his/her demographic.

Bets on who's next to go? I'm thinking that other early presenter... Andrea is it?
I really wonder what the Sit-up management's game is here.

they are obviously doing pretty bad at the moment sales wise - and to fire someone who is probably liked by many out there isn't going to do them any favours... but the repercussions of ditching Peter Simon would probably be far worse.

I really don't know how they can save the channel in their current guise - they are holding onto the wrong people for a start (Simon, Russell, Mason, Brash, Jaxx). And they seriously need to sort their inventory out.

p.s. I'll be sorry to see Guy go too, although he isn't 100% innocent, he was a decent presenter who was pushed into saying certain things imo... hope he gets a job in the theatre :mysmilie_59:
Sales are slow because the presenters are being made to sell utter sh*t.

The whole network needs a new start with a new way of selling some actually decent products that will attract more than just the elderly and the stupid. Auction telly looks very dated these days.

But it ceased being an "auction" a long time ago. Clocks, fixed price deal of the day, web prices due to finish a week later but the price not moving. Why do they bother?, I don't even think they know why they bother tbh.

I think they've got to make a real go of turning the channel into a geniune discount channel or they'll be gone by the summer I reckon!
Oh dear. He'll bounce back, there's no use getting bitter as I'm sure most of us on here have been fired at some point, it happens.

Not that it helps him but I strongly suspect he won't be alone though, the channels appear all over the place and I sense a desperation. The way they are going overboard on the Skin Pharmacy bullshit is worse than the old lot ever did.

And Dirty Peter looks positively haggard, I don't like the man at all but it's not worth making yourself ill over.

I thought that today. Doesn't say much for Skin Pharmacy, does it? But if things are tumultuous behind the scenes, it's understandable perhaps.
Has anyone made this particular connection?

Guy Kean is very much like Edward Woodward who played the Equalizer in the hit 1980s TV show...

Kean has a voice of authority and is a gentleman.... I've never thought of it until now!

The shadowy figure is Lord Kean!


  • The_Equalizer.jpg
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I thought that today. Doesn't say much for Skin Pharmacy, does it? But if things are tumultuous behind the scenes, it's understandable perhaps.

He looked awful, really drawn. And the desperation in his pitches is palpable, he looked completely beaten when he only sold a handful of ludicrously overpriced TomKat bags although that could be the sly old goat playing his sympathy games.

I cannot stand the man, I really can't but I wouldn't want to see him sick. Maybe it's time he retired with Bet to Cleethorpes :mysmilie_59:
The departure of Lord Kean

I feel sorry for anyone that lose their job and Guy was one of the few on Bid that I could watch. We know they all tell fibs but he seemed decent enough.
Unfortunately that's the life of the freelancer on a zero hours contract
It was his professional decision to be freelance and the company is under no obligation to buy his services or continue using them
He wasn't entitled to any notice
I'll miss Guy, I absolutely loved his laconic approach


to the equaliser himself!!

You would think there would be several others more likely to get the chop, or maybe that's wishful thinking on my part. I wouldn't name names though.

It seems that apart from the removal of "love cuddles" and a dirty old man's monologues.... nothing has changed in the slightest.

If anything it's worse what with the delivery, the endless snake shite and insulting price comparisons, the even more awful £10 credits and the monotonous, repetitive, over priced tatt.

And going by their sales figures they're fooling nobody.
If anything it's worse what with the delivery, the endless snake shite and insulting price comparisons, the even more awful £10 credits and the monotonous, repetitive, over priced tatt.

And going by their sales figures they're fooling nobody.

Out of respect for lord kean i propose a silence tomorrow
If Guy was let go straight after his shift, all the other presenters must be crapping themselves!

One last time from Guy: 0904 251 2000

I wish him well.

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