The Demon Supermarket


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I watched the Easiyo show earlier with Anthony and scary Jilly Jones and am mightily p****d off at the constant put-downs of supermarkets. Don't get me wrong, I don't work for a supermarket or have any loyalty to a particular one, but it seems ridiculous to me that QVC and their guests need to rely on slagging off other companies in order to sell their products. If the product they are selling is good enough, just concentrate on the plus points and it should sell itself. I could excuse one mention of how the Easiyo yogurt is potentially fresher than what you can buy because you are making it yourself, but the point was hammered home again and again, along with the comments about how supermarket yogurts probably don't have any live lactic cultures left in them by the time we eat them. Blah blah blah...
Other shows where supermarkets are constantly put down are Lime Tree Pantry and the Exmoor Meats. I have never bought from any of these ranges because I don't want them thinking that this sort of negative sales patter works. There is, admittedly, a large amount of garbage sold at supermarkets, but some of them also do some nice, organic, ethical ranges so it's not all bad. Hardly the centre of all that is evil, which QVC seem to be implying! AND I could buy several yogurts just for the £4.95 postage that QVC would charge me! :wink:
totally agree and as QVC does not sell loo roll, washing powder, milk, eggs and all the other essentials they should stop this pointless nonsense, anyway don't Lakeland sell Easiyo?
totally agree and as QVC does not sell loo roll, washing powder, milk, eggs and all the other essentials they should stop this pointless nonsense, anyway don't Lakeland sell Easiyo?

You can buy it all over the place, two health food shops in my town sell it, and one of the supermarkets in town or nearby is going to start stocking it soon, as there is a job advertisement in the local newspaper this week for an in store demonstrator of Easiyo in supermarkets.

Totally agree with the original post, by the way, only I am biased as my mother works for Tesco and, shock horror, she isn't the devil incarnate. Say what they may about supermarkets, there are certain things you couldn't and just wouldn't buy from QVC, and supermarkets do provide jobs to an awful lot of people.
Jilly Jones really gets on my wick when she talks about "those yoghurts with fruit in the corner which only have about half a teaspoon of fruit". That's just a lie and it's wrong to tell an out and out lie about another product. I do like Easi Yo but they should sell it on its merits reather than just slagging off other yoghurts.
AY is the same made out to be monsters if you should dare buy supermarket shampoos et al fact is we need supermarkets to live our lives until qvc can stock the entire world they should stop slagging them off there is nothing wrong with supermarkets
This thread kind of follows another one where the presenter bangs on about the same thing over and over to an irritating degree. The problem, as I see it, is that the presenters have to talk about the same thing for about 20 minutes on the one product and about three times a day [depending on what it is]. They are bound to repeat themselves and, let's face it, what can you say about yoghurt apart from it tastes nice and is good for you!

It's worse on Ideal World where they have to spend a whole hour bleeting on about [insert product].

Whilst I agree it's irritating, could you talk about yoghurt non-stop for 20 minutes without repeating yourself? Go on, I dare you!!
Whilst I agree it's irritating, could you talk about yoghurt non-stop for 20 minutes without repeating yourself? Go on, I dare you!!

For the money they must be earning I'd love to have a go!!! :talking:
What really gets my goat is when they spout on about locally produced & sourced food , well it aint locally produced when its produced 200 miles away from me and shipped all around the UK whats local about that !
What really gets my goat is when they spout on about locally produced & sourced food , well it aint locally produced when its produced 200 miles away from me and shipped all around the UK whats local about that !

:grin: Very true!

Also Easiyo itself comes from alighlt more than 200 miles away...New Zealand!
totally agree and as QVC does not sell loo roll, washing powder, milk, eggs and all the other essentials they should stop this pointless nonsense, anyway don't Lakeland sell Easiyo?

I've been buying from Lakeland and my local Julian Graves even sells single packs and more important NO p&p.

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