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thats what made me quite a bit angry

That was much out of order, SUPERCOOLWILLOW. Very vindictive to post your name, it was as a kind of "naming and shaming" tactic which has somehow backfired. We are more in support of you and I for one am much appreciative of your posts , letting us know of TSVs and OTOs in advance. If QVC has any sense, they too should appreciate you help in shifting their products.
I think DF was only envious( I do not know if that is the word, but I was looking for a word that she wanted to hurt you, maybe "vindictive" is a better word)) and angry of not being the only one to be able to announce them in her groups :happy:
I am just puzzled how she managed to get hold of your name, she must have gone into a great deal of trouble to find it :happy:
That was much out of order, SUPERCOOLWILLOW. Very vindictive to post your name, it was as a kind of "naming and shaming" tactic which has somehow backfired. We are more in support of you and I for one am much appreciative of your posts , letting us know of TSVs and OTOs in advance. If QVC has any sense, they too should appreciate you help in shifting their products.
I think DF was only envious( I do not know if that is the word, but I was looking for a word that she wanted to hurt you, maybe "vindictive" is a better word)) and angry of not being the only one to be able to announce them in her groups :happy:
I am just puzzled how she managed to get hold of your name, she must have gone into a great deal of trouble to find it :happy:

it aint that hard acutally as if you think about me posting on the QVC UK FB page then you see my facebook account which gives my normal name (i only really use it for keeping me & mum in touch with my proufoundly deaf big brother) so that would be how & i proberbly made her madder by rejecting her friend request
That was much out of order, SUPERCOOLWILLOW. Very vindictive to post your name, it was as a kind of "naming and shaming" tactic which has somehow backfired. We are more in support of you and I for one am much appreciative of your posts , letting us know of TSVs and OTOs in advance. If QVC has any sense, they too should appreciate you help in shifting their products.
I think DF was only envious( I do not know if that is the word, but I was looking for a word that she wanted to hurt you, maybe "vindictive" is a better word)) and angry of not being the only one to be able to announce them in her groups :happy:
I am just puzzled how she managed to get hold of your name, she must have gone into a great deal of trouble to find it :happy:

I think that this behaviour, along with the reaction to negative reviews of books on Amazon exposes the falseness of an on-air persona which is seemingly jolly and matey. Once you start to see other character traits portrayed in other media, you can spot it a mile off.

This is not only something which you can end up detecting in TV personalities... aren't there people that you liked from afar that as you got to know them better you wished you didn't? I know I've met superficially nice (and physically attractive) people who on closer acquaintance turned out to be anything but. Ugliness on the inside always leaks out in the end.
it aint that hard acutally as if you think about me posting on the QVC UK FB page then you see my facebook account which gives my normal name (i only really use it for keeping me & mum in touch with my proufoundly deaf big brother) so that would be how & i proberbly made her madder by rejecting her friend request

I still think it is sad that people take some trouble to "hunt" other people . In your case, I can understand why DF hunted you, you were a danger and a threat to her "only I should have " mentality .
Feel some consolation that you have actually irritated her :mysmilie_3: and have actually "got" to her :mysmilie_378:
It also shows that you are helping members in this forum and those who lurk without registering and not having to belong to her group to know in advance of any TSVs and OTOs, That is what is bothering her, she has lost some of her "hold"
I think that this behaviour, along with the reaction to negative reviews of books on Amazon exposes the falseness of an on-air persona which is seemingly jolly and matey. Once you start to see other character traits portrayed in other media, you can spot it a mile off.

This is not only something which you can end up detecting in TV personalities... aren't there people that you liked from afar that as you got to know them better you wished you didn't? I know I've met superficially nice (and physically attractive) people who on closer acquaintance turned out to be anything but. Ugliness on the inside always leaks out in the end.

maymorganlondon, your last paragraph is very true.
I still think it is sad that people take some trouble to "hunt" other people . In your case, I can understand why DF hunted you, you were a danger and a threat to her "only I should have " mentality .
Feel some consolation that you have actually irritated her :mysmilie_3: and have actually "got" to her :mysmilie_378:
It also shows that you are helping members in this forum and those who lurk without registering and not having to belong to her group to know in advance of any TSVs and OTOs, That is what is bothering her, she has lost some of her "hold"

even if i accepted i would of still carried on posting in or out of the groups anyway no matter what she said
So Debs is naming people! Gosh she is being silly! I don't think she's named me yet. She did post a reply to one of my reviews once but then deleted it after a couple of hours, before I'd had a chance to read it! Debbie, I've written a poem about you.


There once was a girl named Debbie,
who thought that she could write,
but many perceived her plebby,
and her novels - oh so trite!

She wrote of her transformation,
from pumpkin to butternut squash.
She so thought she'd hit the jackpot,
yet reviews panned her work as tosh.

One critic deemed her pathetic,
this somehow made her quite bitter,
with vitriol and an emetic,
she vented her angst on Twitter.

Switched on her ipad, fingers to keypad,
furiously tapping, tappety, tap, tap, tap
went the chubby fingers...
tapping the screen, venting her spleen...

Twitty, twitty tweet tweet! I know all your names!
Twitty, twitty, tweet, tweet! Shoot you's down in flames!

Choc lit, chic lit, haters hate! Yeah mate!
I'm the best, Sharon says! I got likes
from my posse! I'm not bitchy, I'm not bossy.
Thumbs up, thumbs down, I control what goes down.

I don't care! Go to hell! I'll stick round, like a bad smell.
Got my looks, got my books. Into you I'll dig my hooks!
I got control like slimming panties, now I'm writing new sea
shanties. Frantic antics. I am manic.
Like me on Facebook!

Come on Debs, ring up my boss again, why don't you! Your antics would make a superb story. "Shopping telly host in psycho stalker shocker!"
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This whole thing is in very bad taste. I feel the ego is trying to land but has a clipped wing :mysmilie_43:

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