Telephone Callers


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I wish you had got through with that call about the Gatineau threat gel, Yorko.
I fell for that TSV & came up with an unholy, angry red, burning rash the first time I applied it.
I may be wrong but I don't think you would be put through if you were phoning to slate a product.

Well you wouldn't state that I don't think.
You'd have to have guile.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Face to face - well that's a different matter.
I texted about a product that was shown a few weeks back and Dale read some of the text and asked me to phone in, needless to say I didn't.
QUOTE=Breeze;582562]I wish you had got through with that call about the Gatineau threat gel, Yorko.
I fell for that TSV & came up with an unholy, angry red, burning rash the first time I applied it.[/QUOTE]

Interestingly enough I did write a review (my first and last) and it got rejected with no reason. It did compliment all the other products in the kit but stated very clearly what the problem was. I didnt give up and continued to e mail until it was included. They only did it after I said that the reviews couldnt be trusted as they very vetted to show the more favourable.

Still think it was a good thing that I got the phone number wrong as the state I was in at the time I would have probably tried to order a number 45 with fried rice :glass::mysmilie_465:
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QUOTE=Breeze;582562]I wish you had got through with that call about the Gatineau threat gel, Yorko.
I fell for that TSV & came up with an unholy, angry red, burning rash the first time I applied it.[/QUOTE]

Interestingly enough I did write a review (my first and last) and it got rejected with no reason. It did compliment all the other products in the kit but stated very clearly what the problem was. I didnt give up and continued to e mail until it was included. They only did it after I said that the reviews couldnt be trusted as they very vetted to show the more favourable.

Still think it was a good thing that I got the phone number wrong as the state I was in at the time I would have probably tried to order a number 45 with fried rice :glass:
The best T caller ever was the lady who rang in about slim n lift pants.
She said she was a size 26 wheelchair user with greatly reduced mobility, and the pants were great cos she could cut a hole in one leg and feed her catheter through and it kept the catheter nice and snug in place!!!

The presenter who I think was Ann Dawson was stunned and they got shut of her pronto!!
* takes deep breath* OK, I confess - I didn't phone in specifically but was asked when I phoned in to order if I would like to be put through and heard myself saying ok!

I like to think I was normal and didn't gush - I nearly always mute when callers come through - at least, I didn't die of embarrassment when I heard myself on the repeat next morning.

The only thing I feel I should hang my head in shame about was that I was buying Buccleuch burgers!!:mysmilie_512:
susie 59, so you should.:whew:

Okay, anyone remember the guy an American who came over with bath products one of which was Dead Sea Salts? The brand disappeared long ago, but the bath foams look good and like Molton Brown. I phoned up to order and had a question? The CS said,"Oh, I'll put you through to the studio and you can ask." I nearly had a panic attack and screamed NO NO!! She asked was I sure? After that I only ordered by QCut for a very long time.

In fact when I had to use my £10 voucher for an order, got my membership number wrong. I am so used to just doing things online or via QCut. Have a sticker on the back of the phone with it all.
I LOATHE it when the presenter says to the caller " Hi Whoever, and you're through to (name of guest) too" I find that soo sodding patronising, like we are children who need to be reminded to say hello and please and thank you to someone. It it was done to me, I would retaliate by saying "yes I do know thank you" and carry on.
I got asked once id ordered Lock and Lock i think it was, i turned it down, as ive cerebral palsy, and cant get in the kitchen, so thought anything id say wouldnt be of any good

Not at all, they would have loved to hear all the other things you were using your lock and lock for. Poor old Malcolm Harradine used to nearly wet himself if he managed to think up a new use. He had ****** all sorts in them. Literally! Liquorice Allsorts!
I was watching a presentation of the TSV clothes steamer from a week or so ago. The presenter went to a phone call from one of the "customer panel" who had been given one to try. The lady stated that she found it a "bit heavy" to use for any length of time and would only use it for one or two items at any one time.
Can't remember who the presenter was, but the call was quickly terminated, and I noted in later showings there were no calls, just screen shots of written reviews from other customer panellists.
I was watching a presentation of the TSV clothes steamer from a week or so ago. The presenter went to a phone call from one of the "customer panel" who had been given one to try. The lady stated that she found it a "bit heavy" to use for any length of time and would only use it for one or two items at any one time.
Can't remember who the presenter was, but the call was quickly terminated, and I noted in later showings there were no calls, just screen shots of written reviews from other customer panellists.

I wonder if that person has been removed from the customer panel. All of the customer panel who try out items give rave reviews when they are phoned up during the show. QVC phones them. There is a lady from the West Midlands who regularly pops up to give reviews, being on the panel. She also did one of those 'I love QVC' promo videos. Her accent is so unique, I recognise her voice on the phone at once.
I'm curious, what happens to the poor sods who are just cut off without so much as a good bye? Do they just get cut off or is their call sent back to the gallery or the call centre?

Mum once called IW and spoke to Whatters about whether or not an adhesive product they were selling could fix a piece of jewellery she had. She started by telling him that she had an elephant and his face was priceless! I'll never forget it. Of course, it was a jade elephant with a gold embellishment that had fallen off :)

(OT but it makes me wonder what happened to Gems of the Orient?)
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