This is excellant...we bought it for our mum for mother's day, it makes beautiful concoctions....I made a ginger and honey steamed pudding for sunday tea using mums ginger marmalade, it was heavenly!
If you fancy a go but are put off by I/Ws notorious delivery..Lakeland are doing it for less than I/W with free p&p, they also don't charge for returns and have an unlimited return period, unlike the 14 days Ideal have reduced everything to! Unfortunately they don't do installments or the strawberry plant offer.
If you fancy a go but are put off by I/Ws notorious delivery..Lakeland are doing it for less than I/W with free p&p, they also don't charge for returns and have an unlimited return period, unlike the 14 days Ideal have reduced everything to! Unfortunately they don't do installments or the strawberry plant offer.