I bought 2 shades of the TSV as I was unsure which shade to go for - medium beige and light medium.
I have been wearing the light medium this week, but I thought I'd try the other colour too.
I rubbed some if each foundation on a piece of white paper and couldn't really tell the difference, but the powder of the light medium looks slightly darker.
So I decided to do half my face in one colour and he other half in the other. Both shades look good and suit me well, so I asked my husband. At first glance he couldn't tell the difference, but upon closer inspection we think the light medium is very slightly darker, but it really is a small difference.
So I now have 2 sets of TSV to keep and use, so if you are still looking to buy, there isn't a lot of difference on my skin between these 2 shades, and I wear suede in BM complexion rescue.
Overall a great TSV, can't get over how soft eyeliner is, and all everyday useful colours.
Looking forward to next TSV:mysmilie_14: