Guest Shopper
<img src="/images/tannight.jpg" border="1" alt="Tanzanite Night" title="Tanzanite Night" hspace="4" vspace="3" align="right" />By popular demand, TJC’s special Tanzanite loose stone show is back on air with a BIG-BANG! This is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd April from 7pm to 9pm. Anna Haber of Tanzanite Foundation will be a guest on this show. Anna is a Tanzanite expert and Operations Director of Tanzanite Foundation in Europe.<br /><br />Tanzanite Foundation is an independently positioned, non-profit organization dedicated to the development of the Tanzanite Industry. Tanzanite foundation provides consumers with confidence in Tanzanite purchases and quality assurance. Through increasing the awareness of the beauty and importance of Tanzanite, we can all further help protect the future of this valuable stone. <br /><br />Tune in to SKY 650 for an in-depth knowledge about Tanzanite from the expert! <br /><br />THE MARK OF RARITY - “BE BORN TO TANZANITE”