Suggestions please!


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Does anyone have any suggestions to the garb I could procure to microplane my feet? Only I've got the dyno-rod guy coming next week to sort out my backed up toilets and I want a look to impress him. :muscle:

I had thought of a nice coating of 'I'm not really a waitress' on my newly coiffured tootsies and a nice khaki short pant or maybe even a nice palazzo trouser in jersey/casmasoft or whatever it is they're calling 100% polyester at the moment, but what colour to go for? I'm thinking peuce might be really, really on trend at the moment and I just know I'll look beautiful, beautiful, beautiful if I top it all off with a nice red elephant tusk curb chain necklace sans B&W and finished off with an orange artscape t-shirt with depictions of gay Paris! Do you think a full face of Bobbi Brown makeup with coral lipgloss of course, would complete the look? :wonder:

Also going to see my gynaecologist at the end of the month and need a look to distract him from the job in hand.................. :blush:

Reminds me of the story of the woman, who due to visit the doctor for one of "those appointments" ran out of time for a shower and merely gave herself a going over with the flannel.
Unbeknownst to her,the flannel had last been used by her daughter to take of glittery make up.
This did not become apparent until the doc switched on his lamp..... whereupon her nether regions lit up like Blackpool Illuminations.
omg thank you for this thread, brilliant.

does anyone actually put any slap on for the school run? I can barely brush the cornflakes out my hair before I get out the door with my son!

please tell me I am not alone by having literally drawers full of various make up 'essentials' bought over the years, used once and then cast aside.

tonight I need a quick look for 'cant be bothered cooking so rushing out to the chippy' any suggestions girls?
omg thank you for this thread, brilliant.

does anyone actually put any slap on for the school run? I can barely brush the cornflakes out my hair before I get out the door with my son!

please tell me I am not alone by having literally drawers full of various make up 'essentials' bought over the years, used once and then cast aside.

tonight I need a quick look for 'cant be bothered cooking so rushing out to the chippy' any suggestions girls?

Wouldn't any Quacker jumper deflect from the unmadeup face and bedraggled hair? People would be agog for a different reason :mysmilie_505::eek:
Does anyone have any suggestions to the garb I could procure to microplane my feet? Only I've got the dyno-rod guy coming next week to sort out my backed up toilets and I want a look to impress him. :muscle:

I had thought of a nice coating of 'I'm not really a waitress' on my newly coiffured tootsies and a nice khaki short pant or maybe even a nice palazzo trouser in jersey/casmasoft or whatever it is they're calling 100% polyester at the moment, but what colour to go for? I'm thinking peuce might be really, really on trend at the moment and I just know I'll look beautiful, beautiful, beautiful if I top it all off with a nice red elephant tusk curb chain necklace sans B&W and finished off with an orange artscape t-shirt with depictions of gay Paris! Do you think a full face of Bobbi Brown makeup with coral lipgloss of course, would complete the look? :wonder:

Also going to see my gynaecologist at the end of the month and need a look to distract him from the job in hand.................. :blush:

Reminds me of the story of the woman, who due to visit the doctor for one of "those appointments" ran out of time for a shower and merely gave herself a going over with the flannel.
Unbeknownst to her,the flannel had last been used by her daughter to take of glittery make up.
This did not become apparent until the doc switched on his lamp..... whereupon her nether regions lit up like Blackpool Illuminations.

And there's also the story of the woman who was going to have a smear test and didn't have time to go home and have a wash first (eeewww), so thought she would just have a quick wipe over with a bit of water and a tissue from her handbag. It wasn't til she got to the docs and saw him remove something with tweezers to a kidney shape dish that she realised the said object was a stamp which must have been stuck to the tissue!!
omg thank you for this thread, brilliant.

does anyone actually put any slap on for the school run? I can barely brush the cornflakes out my hair before I get out the door with my son!

please tell me I am not alone by having literally drawers full of various make up 'essentials' bought over the years, used once and then cast aside.

tonight I need a quick look for 'cant be bothered cooking so rushing out to the chippy' any suggestions girls?

A classic look for all occasions that I often use and don't mind sharing my secrets with you is:

Black 3/4 length peep toe socks (more threadbare the better) worn with white strappy sandal (4inch heel minimum)
A trouser worn at half mast also known as 'city shorts' in any colour (needs to have been slept in the night before as crinkle fabric is back on trend!)

Stretchy Kim&Co top that highlights every lump and bump in 100% polyester crimplene in glowmore tangerine

Hair by Kenpaving Hairdon't & Jessica Simpson Smythe with added hair accessories

Make up - be adventurous and pop it on in the dark for that unique look!

Fragrance - always used that presteeegious one called 'Just had a fry up' by Cantelle

Feel free to add plenty of Diamoneeek

Oh and don't forget the large Lulu Guiness bag to bring the chips home in!! :up:
omg thank you for this thread, brilliant.

does anyone actually put any slap on for the school run? I can barely brush the cornflakes out my hair before I get out the door with my son!

please tell me I am not alone by having literally drawers full of various make up 'essentials' bought over the years, used once and then cast aside.

tonight I need a quick look for 'cant be bothered cooking so rushing out to the chippy' any suggestions girls?

Totally agree! When I did the school run, run was the operative word tbh, I spent what little time I had in the morning getting my child looking presentable for school, what I looked like was by the by, as long as I was awake and dressed, that was me. Forget faffing around with bags, make up and outfits.

Love the walking the dog scenario too. They'd have us wrapped up in fleeces that fit us, co-ordinating scarves and gloves,sturdy boots and a big practical handbag. When in reality you'd grab your old man's fleece that's covered in dog hair, a pair of muddy wellies or a worn out pair of boots or shoes you've had for yonks, oh.... and a carrier bag!

Funny how they rarely mention the things that we really want to dress up for ie a night out on the town, posh meal, a party? It's all weddings and cruises, and meeting friends for coffee!
Love the walking the dog scenario too. They'd have us wrapped up in fleeces that fit us, co-ordinating scarves and gloves,sturdy boots and a big practical handbag. When in reality you'd grab your old man's fleece that's covered in dog hair, a pair of muddy wellies or a worn out pair of boots or shoes you've had for yonks, oh.... and a carrier bag!

Oh too true! Especially in the winter when I've got just about every item of clothing I own on. The dog often looks embarrassed to be seen with me. He ALWAYS has matching collar and lead!! And a bandana sometimes if he really wants to be 'on trend'.
I think Ann Dawson has been taking some tips from the forum. Just switched on the Kipling show - what on earth is she wearing? Looks like a hideous sparkly grey top contouring her belly with a very long stretchy bit that is pulled down over her bum, and leggings and birkis. I had to blink. She usually dresses ok.
I need some help with the 'no make up make up look'. Have I got this right, I'm going to apply make up, but make it look like I haven't? Is that like when Jodi Marsh gets 'dressed' for a night out?!
Yes thats it or you could always try the Katie Price look. I always think how natural her make up is. Done very tastefully. Must had taken some pointers from AY:giggle:
.........Also going to see my gynaecologist at the end of the month and need a look to distract him from the job in hand.................. :blush:

LOL!! Look what you've started, we're all going loopy!! Maybe I should apply for a job on QVC?! :wink:

What about a pair of spanx - those with the useful opening so you can do a wee (or have an internal examination) without having to struggle like a sumo wrestler to get 'em off.

Or if you don't like that idea, what about a bottle of Betty Grey Away so that you look at your best - leave it until a couple of days before to avoid obvious root re-growth.
What about a pair of spanx - those with the useful opening so you can do a wee (or have an internal examination) without having to struggle like a sumo wrestler to get 'em off.

What is the point of that hole? Its pointless. PLEASE don't anyone tell me that they aim & fire through that :giggle:

Glad I am not the only one who has sweated buckets in trying to get those things on. By the time Ihave got them on I need another shower:sweat: Have even enlisted the help of my husband.
Thank you soooooo much for this thread - it has literally saved me from actually going out this afternoon to our actual front yard and literally putting a grey undercoat on the actual steel beam that is to be put in the actual lintel space tomorrow before the wall (and half our actual flat!) literally falls down in inappropriate attire. Imagine the literal shame of it!

Mind you, how many faux pas have I made this morning while assisting my OH to knock all the concrete out whilst being inappropriately dressed??????? :mysmilie_847:

And will the actual steel beam feel that being painted in the literally on-trend grey undercoat was a look straight off the fashion catwalks and the exact colour that has appeared in the latest mags as read by Cheryl et al????? Better check the tin to make sure it's a presteeeeeeedjuuusssss undercoat in a multi-award winning colour - must dash!!!!
And there's also the story of the woman who was going to have a smear test and didn't have time to go home and have a wash first (eeewww), so thought she would just have a quick wipe over with a bit of water and a tissue from her handbag. It wasn't til she got to the docs and saw him remove something with tweezers to a kidney shape dish that she realised the said object was a stamp which must have been stuck to the tissue!!

I hope it was first class..

He could have posted a letter while he was down there :mysmilie_845:

Reminds me of a joke that went round class 4Y at school (40 years ago !) about the gynaecologist who decorated his hallway through the letter box. We 14 year-old girls thought it was hilarious :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483:
Thank you soooooo much for this thread - it has literally saved me from actually going out this afternoon to our actual front yard and literally putting a grey undercoat on the actual steel beam that is to be put in the actual lintel space tomorrow before the wall (and half our actual flat!) literally falls down in inappropriate attire. Imagine the literal shame of it!

but.....did you have a sweep of balance & brighten on with a coat of mascara and a slick of lipgloss while doing it?
but.....did you have a sweep of balance & brighten on with a coat of mascara and a slick of lipgloss while doing it?

'Fraid not :confused: but had used C&P and instant boost tonic as part of my literally normal actual cleansing routine so I won't have been a complete disgrace.

Checked the paint colour and it was 'dark grey' but has 'opacity in the smooth finish' so think that will make it presteeeeeeeegious enough. :clapping:
'Fraid not :confused: but had used C&P and instant boost tonic as part of my literally normal actual cleansing routine so I won't have been a complete disgrace.

Checked the paint colour and it was 'dark grey' but has 'opacity in the smooth finish' so think that will make it presteeeeeeeegious enough. :clapping:

Shame it didn't have a hint of brown then it would be 'greige' - fashion forward, bang on tren and a great substitute for Leighton's Supermodel...:wink:
'Fraid not :confused: but had used C&P and instant boost tonic as part of my literally normal actual cleansing routine so I won't have been a complete disgrace.

Checked the paint colour and it was 'dark grey' but has 'opacity in the smooth finish' so think that will make it presteeeeeeeegious enough. :clapping:

without doubt you have a sophisticated regime :bow:
Oh I'm glad I found this thread. I was convinced I was the only mum in the world who wasn't fully made up for the school run - at least that's what my telly told me. If I had matching shoes it was a miracle! I was really starting to think I had blighted my poor children's existence.
I did many a school run with a pair of jeans on my jammie top and a coat thrown over.. used to love winter when I could slap on a wooly hat and not have to worry about my hair either.

We had 2 mums who always arrived at school looking immaculate in designer clothes, full war paint and obligatory sunglasses perched on their heads, used to feel so inept until we found out both had au pairs who got the kids up dressed,fed etc while all they did was primp themselves...
We nicknamed them Patsy and Edina

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