Suarti - Slave labour????


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Dec 8, 2010
The one time only sterling silver bracelet sold out at £19.98. Claire asked Suarti how long it would take one of her artisans to create such a piece, to which she replied "about 4 days because everything is hand crafted".

4 days for 20 quid??? Bearing in mind Suarti is making a profit, then she has to pay for a flight from Bali, and of course QVC are getting their lions share, how much are the poor artisans being paid?

It all makes me feel very uncomfortable. :sad:
Suarti- Slave labour????

Not so long ago they killed all the stray dogs in Bali, about 500 I think.:down:

nice place.
Most of the clothes you buy these days from the high street have probably been made under similar circumstances in Asia as a result of people wanting something for nothing - or bosses wanting to make larger profits. It's practically impossible to buy British these days, M&S finally threw down the gauntlet a while ago.

Buying cheap products from places like India and China is the reason our country is in such a mess now.
Not so long ago they killed all the stray dogs in Bali, about 500 I think.:down:

nice place.

Unfortunately some sources say that over 200,000 dogs were killed in Bali sometime last year as well as thousands killed in China. All down to the spread of rabies. It's a sad and heart-breaking situation and surely to have animals vaccinated against rabies and other diseases would help to prevent this.

But it's not Suarti's fault. No more than I can be held responsible for much of the appalling treatment done to former racing greyhounds. Both situations require education and compassion.

Perhaps if we skip a QVC purchase and donate to a favourite charity, a little bit of good can be done. I know I feel better when I have better control over spending on myself and can do some little something for others.
Suarti - slave labour?

Unfortunately some sources say that over 200,000 dogs were killed in Bali sometime last year as well as thousands killed in China. All down to the spread of rabies. It's a sad and heart-breaking situation and surely to have animals vaccinated against rabies and other diseases would help to prevent this.

But it's not Suarti's fault. No more than I can be held responsible for much of the appalling treatment done to former racing greyhounds. Both situations require education and compassion.

Perhaps if we skip a QVC purchase and donate to a favourite charity, a little bit of good can be done. I know I feel better when I have better control over spending on myself and can do some little something for others.

I was not suggesting Suarti is responsible for killing all those dogs inhumanely. I just do not want to trade with a country that does these things.
I was not suggesting Suarti is responsible for killing all those dogs inhumanely. I just do not want to trade with a country that does these things.

But what about China? It has a terrible track record in so many areas of human and animal concerns, yet China is dominant in production of so many everyday things that we purchase. It's almost impossible not to buy something that is partly or wholly produced in China. Then there's India and other developing and even develped nations that don't have excellent behaviour when it comes to the welfare of humans or animals. I didn't think you were blaming Suarti for a government's practice. It's not her fault how authorities handled that crisis.

It's just sad that so many animals and humans had to pay the price for a rampant, out of control rabies outbreak in Bali. I just hope and pray that the dogs were humanely euthanised. Rabies is very nasty for both animal and human. Once infected there's little chance of survival.

The UK took steps to destroy over 4 million cows infected with mad cow disease/BSE a few years back in order to protect the food chain, humans and animals that were infected. It was a sad situation to see infected cows struggling to stand and walk. However tragic that situation was, it's not fair to blame the UK govt or its people as a whole for having to take these steps such as destroying herds of cattle. It was all pretty traumatic which led to investigations and better ways (hopefully) of animal management.
Sadly we live in a country that no longer "makes" things. We just buy from elsewhere and any money this country generates come from sectors like banking which is why we and others were so badly affected when that all blew up.

Its not that many years ago that we did actually make things I can remember there being Courtalds factories where I live and I can also remember watching the chimneys being blown up when it closed.

We all want bargains and to spend as little as possible hence countries where there is cheap labour available have become the suppliers to the world not just us. Its easier for us not to think about it because if we do it can make you very uncomfortable. The reality is that an awful lot of our "stuff" comes from countries with horrific records on human rights and child labour is the norm

There was a TV programme on a few months ago now about sweat shops and these were based in this country and making clothing for stores such as New Look so its not just QVC. Sadly until we all learn to live with less and are prepared to spend more for less than I cant see it changing I am just as guilty as anyone of accumulating things and not really thinking about where they came from or the people who made them
It is true that you would just not be able to use anything if you were boycotting products from countries with bad human/animal welfare situations. A further argument would be that although poorly paid, at least Suarti does provide some workplaces, as unemployment is rife in Indonesia, with no welfare provisions either. So although they earn a little, at least they earn.
Cannot remember where I read it? But Stuarti is made in Bali but the workers are Chinese and they get paid even less than say Baliese workers as they are considered second class. I have to say have no interest in her stuff, I consider it ugly and wouldn't wear it.

Companies do say they check the factories for how the workers in foreign factories are treated. Alot of Marks and Spencer is now Egypt now it seems going by the label.

In the undercover documentaries it was Primark, New Look and H&M found to have children working for 12 hours shifts etc. Of course they said we didn't know etc, but when a year or so later undercover filming same thing going on. So they don't go check and as long as everyone is rushing to Primark which seems to feature in Lorraine and various mags for the latest fashion at unbelivible prices they will continue. I have to say I hate going into Primark and New Look, get dragged in my friends who love the stuff. I did once buy knickers for £1 and they fell appart after one wash, that decided me no to buy anything from Primark again. H&M I just have no interest in so don't go near.

China owns most of the world now. They are/were the people with the money to lend. They basicly own America lock stock and barrel.

India has more billionaires that the UK and other European countries.

The dogs in Bali would have been poisoned or gassed.
I was blessed to have visited Bali several years ago and I have to say I have never in my life met such a lovely race of people. They live on virtually nothing but are very humbling and always have a smile for you.
The main employment there is working for the tourist industry, which is incidently owned by a lot of wealtheir countries, certainly the big hotels are. This just about collapsed though with the bombings etc several years ago making things a lot worse for the people.
To work in a hotel as a porter or waiter you have to go to university and get a degree. The workers loved to chat to you to improve their English.
Slave labour is a problem in many countries but the cost of living in many of these type of countries is incredibly cheap.
We would live on about £9.00 a day and that was eating extremely well 3 times a day in restaurants. The cost of silver jewellery in bali was in my opinion very expenvise compared to the cost of living so someone was making massive profits. Like a previous poster had said at least the people making the jewellery have an income of sorts but sadly we all want to pay less for items so slave labour will continue.
What a coincidence, I was wondering if the 2000 odd seed beads (Diane Gilman Necklace tunic top £50.52) were sewn onto the top by hand when I saw a repeat of the show at 7.00am this morning. It did occur to me, as someone who sews and makes jewellery, if it was hand embellished how long it would have taken. Also you would need incredible eyesight and very nimble fingers...:thinking:
Its not about stopping buying products from these countries - its about fair trade - paying a fair wage for a job done in proper conditions. Take away these workers income by not purchasing and you make their situation worse!
Cannot remember where I read it? But Stuarti is made in Bali but the workers are Chinese and they get paid even less than say Baliese workers as they are considered second class. I have to say have no interest in her stuff, I consider it ugly and wouldn't wear it.

Companies do say they check the factories for how the workers in foreign factories are treated. Alot of Marks and Spencer is now Egypt now it seems going by the label.

In the undercover documentaries it was Primark, New Look and H&M found to have children working for 12 hours shifts etc. Of course they said we didn't know etc, but when a year or so later undercover filming same thing going on. So they don't go check and as long as everyone is rushing to Primark which seems to feature in Lorraine and various mags for the latest fashion at unbelivible prices they will continue. I have to say I hate going into Primark and New Look, get dragged in my friends who love the stuff. I did once buy knickers for £1 and they fell appart after one wash, that decided me no to buy anything from Primark again. H&M I just have no interest in so don't go near.

China owns most of the world now. They are/were the people with the money to lend. They basicly own America lock stock and barrel.

India has more billionaires that the UK and other European countries.

The dogs in Bali would have been poisoned or gassed.

To be fair, India has also a much bigger population then the UK. Think World Bank quoted 1.6Billion compared to UK's 61 Million, so that is not a fair comparison.
China is a very interesting problem, and might be more shored up by the gov then it is actually worth it, with loads of undercutting to be economically viable on the world market. They def were the people with money to lend, but it will be intersting what is going to happen over the next 10 years.
Anyway, what I wanted to ask: are all of Suartis workers Chinese?
To be fair, India has also a much bigger population then the UK. Think World Bank quoted 1.6Billion compared to UK's 61 Million, so that is not a fair comparison.
China is a very interesting problem, and might be more shored up by the gov then it is actually worth it, with loads of undercutting to be economically viable on the world market. They def were the people with money to lend, but it will be intersting what is going to happen over the next 10 years.
Anyway, what I wanted to ask: are all of Suartis workers Chinese?

Honestly I don't remember, it was a link I believe someone on put up. The romance of these Balianese people when infact it was actually Chinese workers making the jewellery.
Its not about stopping buying products from these countries - its about fair trade - paying a fair wage for a job done in proper conditions. Take away these workers income by not purchasing and you make their situation worse!

In comparison to the standard of living in the manufacturing countries, the workers probably do get a reasonable wage. It is the bosses and company owners and importers who are getting fat on the profits.

Take away the workers income and you make the situation worse you say?
Yes, exactly what's happened in this country by us buying foreign cars and all the other goods that many of our families' lives depended upon.

China buys practically nothing from our country yet as has been said, much of what's sold in our shops these days comes from there. The ordinary person in the street here isn't going to get a decent living buying more and more imports. Eventually it will turn full circle. Chinese etc will have a decent standard of living and will be expecting higher wages (just as workers in this country were encouraged to do in the 80's) and manufacturing will then be moved by the importers to the next 3rd world country with the lowest standard of living.

How long before Britain becomes that 3rd world country?
It will happen....that's if the mayan prophecies aren't correct and we haven't all blown ourselves up according to Nostradamus's middle eastern prophecies first :doh:
just a note to poke my pennyworth in here,. quite a long time ago we had a shop. we wanted to be loyal & buy briish BUT found near on impssible to do. we had the fortune to meet some nice indain men & we asked once we got to know them better what should we do..........they said that yes it was slave labour with pepople sleeping inder benches etc BUT if we didnt buy from anywhere that was made in india etc then the poor people wouldnyt have any food nor a bench to sleep under.... with that we slept soundly in our beds knowing that even though exploited we were feeding/putting a roof over peoples heads, its a very ambiguous subject & we will all have various voews BUT i think that healthy thing to have. imo
Is there an easy answer to this? If we all suddenly stopped buying goods made in countries where human rights are non-existant, would things necessarily siuddenly improve for the poorly-paid workers? Would companies be suddenly shamed into paying their workers more?

Or would they just move their production somewhere else instead, rather than improve pay and conditions?
exactly HC.......sorry foolks for all my typos as my keyboardhasnt any letters left on it & i was doing it in bad lightling + not too well as mo....[ not moaning as some are proper ill ]......theres no easy way out.there was a programme the other night all about containers coming from abroad.sadly cant remember what it was BUT something along the lines of dispatches etc ...current affairs of daughter wanted to go green [ nappy bags ]....non degradable are 50p & the bio ones £3.50....does it really cost £3 more to make them ????????? she said sorry mum but we cant afford to be green at those sort of prices...but at least shes fetches them to us to burn them for us to use towards compost ......right ho im now babbling........

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