Strictly 2012 24th November


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Sorry, three glasses of wine and a cold.

The right two where in the Dance Off.

For someone who has won medals and very dedicated to training and winning, Victoria was mentally not strong with the crying/laughing going on. Some on DS mentioned she might be unstable and not just on her feet.

VP has spent a very long time doing something (cycling) that she was extremely good at but didn't particularly enjoy, her tears at the Olympics & her stating 'I'm just so relieved/glad it's all/finally over' were pretty telling I think? She is kinda 'fragile' but deep down, obviously mentally pretty strong to have kept going as long as she did if you think of all the burnt out tennis players/traders/teachers/whatever that actually don't or can't stay the course!

There was a lot of crying/laughing but I thought she improved tremendously socially & within herself as the weeks went on & seemed to actually be enjoying the whole experience, scary though it was & it must be hard for someone at the top of their game to discover they're actually pretty cr*p at some other things, particularly when they don't naturally deal well with not getting it spot on perfect?
Poor cow, she can't actually do much apart from tear round a velodrome at breakneck speed but I do hope she'll find something she enjoys doing & is hopefully rather good at.....won't be dancing though! lol

The right result for this week, though I'd liked to have seen smug 'the judges love me & I can do no wrong' Lisa in the dance off with her, just to give her a bit of a fright & a shake up! I swear, if that ruddy girl wins, I'll never watch Strictly again! :angry:
You re so right about "I'm just. Lisa from Manchester " God she's irritating. So full of herself but all this faux I'm so humble is cutting no ice with me. Go on Judges tell her the truth for once .
That crying/laughing was a bit disturbing. I actually felt very sorry for her ~ it was verging on hysteria. Imo she stayed in longer than her capabilities deserved due to her Olympian status. In a way that wasn't fair on her as she's used to being the best and a winner and the combination of the initial high expectation and her subsequent failure to make the grade must have been tough for her to cope with.
You re so right about "I'm just. Lisa from Manchester " God she's irritating. So full of herself but all this faux I'm so humble is cutting no ice with me. Go on Judges tell her the truth for once .

Kind of borders on a lot of self-belief and confidence and I like her as she is quite genuine. I've seen interviews and read articles and she comes across quite grounded. But, I say this sincerely, her size is giving her an advantage to get away with a lot of things especially in hold. The judges won't point that out in fear of offending her (which is ironic as she is quite aware of the problem due to her size) and no doubt the entire internet hatemail will start as soon as they do start pointing things out in a harsher tone. I admit, she is very good in her footwork but its top 5 time and with Nicky improving greatly, she's needs to be better to get there.

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