Bearing in mind the judges were clearly looking for the story
within the dance & a sense of true
partnership, as much as technique this week:
Dani - overmarked, always looks as though she's counting & mentally ticking off every step/section, tends to look a little hesitant & awkward despite the smile!
Louis - somewhat undermarked, certainly in comparison to some of the others, great technique, did well with what he was given but agree with judges comments re. lack of va va voom etc., though somewhat harsh I felt! (Are the stories of him mucking about & sulking true perchance & the judges are beginning to get a bit piddled off with him?)
Denise - very pretty & old school film star-ish, I dunno though, was something missing despite the superb technique.....a bit Stepford Wives ifkwim, perfect techique & control but nobody at home behind the eyes!
Victoria - pretty terrible, poor VP, after all those years of cycling I doubt she
could physically do much better, as she will have a completely rigid core, a big plus when you're sat on a bike! Fair play for the lifts though, 100% confidence there & superb control, works both ways this strong core stuff! lol
Nicky - fun, tried hard, improving certainly but overmarked, rather loose & verging on out of control at times I felt!!
Lisa - awful, no technique, no feeling, no nothing; lickle Lisa from Manchester naffed that up big time, can't have gurns, grins, side by side jigging about & jazz hands
every week though can you luv.....?
Michael - not unreasonably marked but better than their comments, though I see their point; spectacular lifts though & one after the other like that, that guy is
Kimberley - made a couple of boo boos but she had a damn good go at it & it was both entertaining & believeable!
I would like to see the dances done to appropriate music. The waltz to Strauss not Dave Arch and his tuneless band.
I agree and I think that it would also help the celebrities with the charaterisation of the dance.
I agree; the pros can pick up the beat/rhythm in anything, no matter how oddball or 'out there' but the amateur celebs (or many of 'em anyway) only hear the song/music & are somewhat hamstrung by being thrown a music choice curveball for a particular dance they naturally associate with a certain type of song?