She was single back then. She's moved on and we've never heard anything about her since.
I must be a stinky person magnet or something. Back in the days when I used public transport a lot, I'd ALWAYS get the smelly bloke sit next to me. Even if I was the only person on it!
I started to wise up and move down to the very front of the bus and sit on the aisle seat - something I'd always advise women using buses to do these days. No female should huddle miserably against the window while some man-spreader hogs the rest of the seat. I also used the 'embarrass them' tactic a few times on the night bus perve who tried fiddling with himself while leaned against me. I'm told I have a loud and strident voice when I'm stressed
Then there's the stinky woman who lives in the next village. She was known as being particularly rancid and walked everywhere as she'd been banned from using the bus after so many complaints. She was banned from a lot of local shops, too.
She turned up for a Transvaginal ultrasound scan in our unit but when she lifted her skirt and dropped her knickers the smell was so vile (far worse than the rest of her) we had to ask her to leave and go back to the GP.
He re-referred her after telling her quite firmly that she wasn't to turn up for the scan unless she'd had a bath which she apparently did. I was off that day - a lucky escape as my stomach had a knee-jerk reaction of starting to heave whenever I saw her (I was one of the unfortunate bus passengers that had to endure her stink before she was banned). Her bath must have been the only one she ever had after that as she was back to her fetid self not long after.
Could you smell her from your village?! and secondly OMG!!!!!! Going back to "my lady"..she doesn't wash, herself, or her clothes. What she does rather than take a few bits to the launderette, I presume her washing machine is broken or doesn't exist. She'll buy clothes from charity shops and replace them once the ones she's been wearing have become too smelly and too soiled to wear. As far as I know she doesn't throw the old stuff out, it just gets lobbed onto a pile of clothes in the corner of the room. I've been allowed to enter the house on two occassions, once when she'd fallen and needed me to come and help her up..she's got a key safe outside and the second time, when she was having trouble with her tv. The room is airless, filthy, full of all manner of crap, overspilling ashtrays, empty take away cartons, clothes of course. I said do you have any bin bags, cause if you like I'll take some of this packaging away for you...She muttered yeah I said shall I grab a few...and she bellowed "No, you're not going down there!"
Another neighbour has presented her with a massive bottle of JPG perfume (she used to work at the airport so has loads of the stuff) presumably to stop her dousing herself in TCP, which she did for a while and it took me nearly a week to remove the traces from her visit to ours! The JPG has covered the smell quite well, it's not perfect..however it's put me right off it, I've got a bottle, tempted to donate that too.
The time she phoned to ask me to come and look at her tv..I was in her house for around 20 minutes my entire outfit had to be washed when I got home because it stank!
I totally understand she's in a bad way both mentally and physically, but I wish she'd swallow her pride and allow people to help. We know it's not a lifestyle choice and that it was her disgusting husband who put her in this position, he's been gone for about 3 years now, and she deserves some kind of semblance of comfort in her life. During lockdown I replaced one of our sofas as it was getting a bit tatty, and before lockdown she'd sit on it when she visited and being "pleather" I used to have to wipe it down to get rid of the smell she left on it. The new one is fabric, so I really can't have her on it. We still have a pleather sofa, so when lockdown was lifted and we were able to invite her back I told her that if she didn't mind she'd have to sit on that one instead because of social distancing and the new one being near the door, we'd have to keep walking past!!! Seriously during lockdown, I saved a fortune on air freshener. Thankfully my Harry Slatkin candles do a brilliant job of covering up her noxious stench. It goes back to actually sitting down with someone and telling them that they smell horrible, and friend to friend I feel I should be able to do that..but somehow I haven't been able to find the words..I even cough and wretch involuntarily when I get a proper mouthful, and she's said "You ok hun" and I find myself saying "yes, I must have swallowed a fly or something"!
OH says there's nothing we can do if she refuses help, we've just gotta be there for her and listen..I agree, but I'd rather not have her in my home. When lockdown eased a bit we'd meet her once a week in the pub for a drink and chat, but we're not fans of daytime drinking and she'd be really funny if we ordered soft drinks and insisted on buying us proper drinks, which of course we had to reciprocate. We don't want to do that any more because it's expensive and we don't particularly want to drink in the day. She'd not agree to meeting up for a coffee as she doesn't drink coffee or tea. Very sad situation indeed.