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Aug 29, 2008
What is it with QVC presenters?

The L'Occitane set of 2 shea liquid soap/shower cream is on. Alexis says "the liquid soap alone is £16 etc" to which Julia in an incredibly dramatic style does her "HOLD ON A SECOND, the shower gel ALONE is £16???? That means that you are GETTING the shower cream FOR ...... etc etc etc rambles on".

No, really?
A) I can count and
B) No-one made you a news at ten headline announcer - it's soap for God's sake.
I know where you're coming from, but I guess she just wants to make sure that everybody heard her right, after all they're trying to shift as many units as they can, and I guess some people aren't capable of doing the maths...but what really really bugs me, is when they're doing this kind of deal, when they say well you're getting this soap that's worth £16 for just £2...sorry but it is not "WORTH" £16's normally on sale for £16 ...probably is only "worth" a couple of quid in reality!
I had to laugh this morning when I heard the Decleor woman bigging up some pack of potions by saying " It all comes in bag that has a zip so that you can access the products " Thank God she told me that or I would have been puzzling for ages about getting things out of a bag.
Talk about treating us as idiots !
She also fails to tell you that by the time they add on the VAT and P&P it adds up to the price of the so called product you're not paying for!!!!
I had to laugh this morning when I heard the Decleor woman bigging up some pack of potions by saying " It all comes in bag that has a zip so that you can access the products " Thank God she told me that or I would have been puzzling for ages about getting things out of a bag.
Talk about treating us as idiots !

It must be so hard to wax lyrical about products without stating the bleeding obvious, but my God, I wish some of 'em would engage their brains before opening their gobs. The other day they were demonstrating some clear plastic containers for food......and guess what you can see exactly how much you've got left....WOW! I was amazed!
She also fails to tell you that by the time they add on the VAT and P&P it adds up to the price of the so called product you're not paying for!!!!

Well spotted thmbs up it always makes me smile when they do Bargain hunter or OTO, nine times out of ten when you add on the P&P there is in fact very little if any off original price. They really do think we are all simple.
Well spotted thmbs up it always makes me smile when they do Bargain hunter or OTO, nine times out of ten when you add on the P&P there is in fact very little if any off original price. They really do think we are all simple.

i'm afraid they do! The sad thing is i still have to stop myself falling for it.:giggle:
I had to laugh this morning when I heard the Decleor woman bigging up some pack of potions by saying " It all comes in bag that has a zip so that you can access the products " Thank God she told me that or I would have been puzzling for ages about getting things out of a bag.
Talk about treating us as idiots !

It's great isn't it? How we have to be kept on the right path? Now you see if I hadn't had that explained, I would have had to cut the corner off to get my stuff out!

It's not a pick on Julia by the way - it's just an observation on QVC presenters and how they entertain and annoy me all in the same sentence.
I know where you're coming from, but I guess she just wants to make sure that everybody heard her right, after all they're trying to shift as many units as they can, and I guess some people aren't capable of doing the maths...but what really really bugs me, is when they're doing this kind of deal, when they say well you're getting this soap that's worth £16 for just £2...sorry but it is not "WORTH" £16's normally on sale for £16 ...probably is only "worth" a couple of quid in reality!

You're absolutely right - it was just the amateur dramatics I think that swung it. The "HOLD ON - STOP THE WORLD!! - you're saving how much?" conversation!!
I just wish they'd stop saying "maths". In my schooldays 2 + 2 = 4 was ARITHMETIC!

(sorry for being a pedant!).:headbang:
I like the one where the Feng Shui lady states that by putting and keeping a £50 note in the purse you will always have money!! Course you will..............the £50 that is not to be spent. BRILLIANT!!. xxxxxxxxxx
It's great isn't it? How we have to be kept on the right path? Now you see if I hadn't had that explained, I would have had to cut the corner off to get my stuff out!

I've had to do that a few times when they've failed to explain the machinations of zips
have you noticed as well that when they have an item on with no P&P they then keep going on about what a bargain it is as you are saving the P&P which is bringing the price down, But when there is P&P they then harp on about the item is ie only 20.00 (well 23.95 if you add the postage on) but the seem to forget to mention the P&P. Apols if I have gone of the thread a little!
Is it just me, or is L'occitane's Alexis really annoying? Everything is AMAYZING! Ya....ameyzing!!! agghh!!!!
Is it just me, or is L'occitane's Alexis really annoying? Everything is AMAYZING! Ya....ameyzing!!! agghh!!!!

not just you, she's very annoying. I'm waiting for her to tell JR it's shea butter not sheer butter. Love the products though!

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