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The news and reports are depressing.I have got through a million times this in recent weeks and still have my head about water because that is where I am going to be. Get things into perspective, not enough toilet rolls, plan B?
Cartoon many toilet rolls 90238519_102130644.jpg
Up until today, apart from hand sanitizer, we have been able to get most things but today was the first where anything made of paper and paracetamol isnt available, but still enough food thank goodness.

My neighbours have just told me that a local electrical store (very popular, personal service, keen prices so always busy) has run out of freezers with people buying 2nd or even 3rd to stockpile. Mine is full but it always is as I freeze everything.

My father died 18 months ago but he had severe breathing problems on oxygen 24 hrs per day. There is no way he would have survived a week of this.

Today my work has put us on a rota, in 1 week out 1 week, some working from home and being forced to take any outstanding holidays. I’m not so bad because I only do 2 days now anyway but some of the young ones have a load of debt from big weddings and mortgages. For once being older has its compensations but it’s going to be a very long spring.

If only one thing comes out of this I hope it is that people will finally realise that trout pouts, spending thousands on toddler parties, spending money you just don’t have trying to keep up with other snowflakes on SM means nothing when the household income can be cut from under you at the stroke of a pen through no fault of your own.

The news and reports are depressing.I have got through a million times this in recent weeks and still have my head about water because that is where I am going to be. Get things into perspective, not enough toilet rolls, plan B?
Those sitting with a 1970’s bidet are laughing now!

I have been feeling miserable today. Self isolated. Months before I can see my grandchildren. This helped:

Smiling is infectious,

you catch it like the flu,

When someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner

and someone saw my grin.

When he smiled I realized,

I’d passed it onto him.

I thought about that smile,

then I realized it’s worth.

A single smile, just like mine

could travel round the earth.

So, if you feel a smile begin,

don’t leave it undetected.

Let’s start an epidemic quick,

and get the world infected!

Author Unknown
Virtual hugs from us all - not that a 70 year old woman is much of a substitute for your grandchildren .

In the middle of all these posts there are the odd giggle so chin up and post as many times as you need for a bit of support.
Been problems with some phone and broadband companies today I think. I had a problem this morning trying to ring hubby to pick me up from town, I had been to the hairdressers,as I wasn't going to use the bus. Hope you managed to register.
We managed to register but then Waitrose,Sainsbury,Asda and Morrisons sites seem to have crashed. We finally managed go get a slot for 6th April on Tesco,but no loorolls or milk, so much restocking.

Virtual hugs from us all - not that a 70 year old woman is much of a substitute for your grandchildren .

In the middle of all these posts there are the odd giggle so chin up and post as many times as you need for a bit of support.
Did I hear some idiot (politician probably) suggest that restaurants and bars do a home delivery service to avoid closing their business. People go out to socialise if they want a takeaway it would be a pizza etc and would get booze from the off-licence they are hardly likely to pay restaurant prices for it delivered to the front step.

Does anyone still have bread and milk delivered.? That sort of thing stopped here decades ago but people calling for their return. However after this has died down those same people will run to the supermarket for cheap mega litres of milk and bread. The cost of running vehicles will never make home deliveries cost effective, only the big supermarkets can do it to keep your custom.
I read an article earlier which fair cheered me up. Three friends , all widowed and all in their 70`s are doing a week self isolating in their own homes and will then all move into one of their homes for further isolation They have stocked up on wine and intend to binge watch The Crown on Netflix. Their attitude is marvelous IMO.
Did I hear some idiot (politician probably) suggest that restaurants and bars do a home delivery service to avoid closing their business. People go out to socialise if they want a takeaway it would be a pizza etc and would get booze from the off-licence they are hardly likely to pay restaurant prices for it delivered to the front step.

Does anyone still have bread and milk delivered.? That sort of thing stopped here decades ago but people calling for their return. However after this has died down those same people will run to the supermarket for cheap mega litres of milk and bread. The cost of running vehicles will never make home deliveries cost effective, only the big supermarkets can do it to keep your custom.
We had a note a few years ago asking if we would like a milk delivery. We replied,said what we wanted on which days but never got any milk delivered. Did not seen any semi skilled in our supermarket last week,see what there is tomorrow. Isn't a bother for me as I don't have milk.
There was a thing on the One Show about a couple would should have been on a cruise but who are now self isolated dressed up in their holiday wear with cocktails! It’s great that people can show this sort of spirit but then again perhaps they aren’t trying to get enough food on a weeks pension to do them for several weeks

We had a note a few years ago asking if we would like a milk delivery. We replied,said what we wanted on which days but never got any milk delivered. Did not seen any semi skilled in our supermarket last week,see what there is tomorrow. Isn't a bother for me as I don't have milk.
I only use milk on the days I make my overnight porridge as I take my coffee black. Do you freeze your milk? I did it years ago during a previous crises. Not all say it can be frozen but the Tesco semi skim does so I don’t see why not. I imagine that it might not be perfect to drink straight and I would only chance a small one.
Did I hear some idiot (politician probably) suggest that restaurants and bars do a home delivery service to avoid closing their business. People go out to socialise if they want a takeaway it would be a pizza etc and would get booze from the off-licence they are hardly likely to pay restaurant prices for it delivered to the front step.

Does anyone still have bread and milk delivered.? That sort of thing stopped here decades ago but people calling for their return. However after this has died down those same people will run to the supermarket for cheap mega litres of milk and bread. The cost of running vehicles will never make home deliveries cost effective, only the big supermarkets can do it to keep your custom.
We have our milk delivered because I detest plastic & have never been entirely sure that the combo of milk & plastic is safe. It is an expensive option.
We have our milk delivered because I detest plastic & have never been entirely sure that the combo of milk & plastic is safe. It is an expensive option.
I don’t think it would be possible to buy bottled milk here - I haven’t seen it in years but then we dont have independent milk companies it is all a monopoly.
Did I hear some idiot (politician probably) suggest that restaurants and bars do a home delivery service to avoid closing their business. People go out to socialise if they want a takeaway it would be a pizza etc and would get booze from the off-licence they are hardly likely to pay restaurant prices for it delivered to the front step.

Does anyone still have bread and milk delivered.? That sort of thing stopped here decades ago but people calling for their return. However after this has died down those same people will run to the supermarket for cheap mega litres of milk and bread. The cost of running vehicles will never make home deliveries cost effective, only the big supermarkets can do it to keep your custom.

I still have milk delivered. Have done for years. My milkman has never let us down ever even in the deepest snow there was the milk on the doorstep.
I've always wanted a bidet, love them when we go on holiday - so useful for washing out costumes or flip flops as well as the correct purpose.
I’ve never used one for its correct purpose and in fact the one and only time I used it as a footbath was once when I fainted due to sunstroke and it was the quickest way to bring my temperature down rapidly.
I have a delivery from Morrisons for 1/4 made at the weekend it will be interesting to see what I get! I have just returned from my local Booths ( Waitrose of the North) very civilised plenty of stock, well for what I needed.Of course it is more expensive but in this situation I am prepared to pay & can fortunately afford that bit extra.I think I saw someone with Toilet Rolls!Thank goodness when there was some doubt about their future some time ago they survived, staff are lovely too.
Booths are special & I was concerned about their future too. I have one of their lovely bags, get asked about it quite often & I loved their material bound Christmas catalogues.
I only use milk on the days I make my overnight porridge as I take my coffee black. Do you freeze your milk? I did it years ago during a previous crises. Not all say it can be frozen but the Tesco semi skim does so I don’t see why not. I imagine that it might not be perfect to drink straight and I would only chance a small one.
Yes I have frozen semi skimmed but we also have soya milk which I have not tried to freeze.

Own up - - - - who is advertising for a date in this thread??;)

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Well not me got enough with the one I've got.

Semi skimmed freezes perfectly, can't taste any difference when it thaws out.

This was supposed to be a reply to LATI but it didn't work.
I am finding this new style forum acts up quite a lot.
Yesterday a woman was seen in Aldi with 80, yes 80, tins of tomatoes. The manager was called to the checkout & took 76 tins back to the shelves - I'd have made her do that & supervised her stacking them correctly. I don't know if she had still got them in her trolley or had put them on the belt 🤣

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