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Until a few years ago a Salvation Army band would play carols in our road, it was always on the second Sunday in December & those who didn't play would do the collection. The children loved it & we would go out into our drives as soon as we heard them in the next road.
The Sally Army is like a lot of religions/charities and suffering from a lack of new blood and money. Several of their Social Services premises closed down (including mine) and the hostels, orphanages and care homes were taken over by large money orientated service providers.
Fewer and fewer people were applying to their training colleges to become SA Officers and some of their citadels were sold off plus local authorities began insisting on care providers having more and more qualifications to work in or run their social services and so they had to employ more civilian workers such as myself and pay the going rate for them.
Donations were shrinking, the cost of running their premises or citadels was ever increasing and congregations and new SA members were shrinking too. The big guys at the top of the SA became less Christian and more business managers but I suppose they had to and they could be ruthless.
The little guys and gals at the bottom were the salt of the Earth. They worked regular jobs but gave up their leisure time and donate their own money to work for free, volunteer to rattle a tin, organise a fund raiser, clean or maintain the church, play in the band, sing in the choir or anything else they were needed to do. They weren`t in it for the title of Captain or Major or as a power trip or to strut around headquarters in a uniform, they were in it because they truly cared but sadly many are getting old and not enough younger members are taking their place.
Believe me when I say I`ve known of SA senior members who`ve had affairs, been guilt of sexual harassment, swindled money, lied, bullied people and stabbed many another person in the back. They have frequently been power mad and many of them have looked down their noses at us lesser mortals because they believe they are better than anybody else and I speak from 13 experience working for them.
We live opposite a SA family.
Many many years ago we had terrible problems with our electricity supply with all the houses in dark and cold for an entire day at a time. The SA man had a generator (not one just to keep the freezer going but a full blown one) and whilst other families with children were in the cold and dark and hungry his entire house was lit up like a Christmas tree. Talk about rubbing noses in it. Got to say it didn't seem very Christian to me, in fact the opposite. Always had great respect for SA but that really made me angry.
My late mother used to talk about people “licking the alter steps” which meant their life didn’t reflect the way they behaved in church.
We live opposite a SA family.
Many many years ago we had terrible problems with our electricity supply with all the houses in dark and cold for an entire day at a time. The SA man had a generator (not one just to keep the freezer going but a full blown one) and whilst other families with children were in the cold and dark and hungry his entire house was lit up like a Christmas tree. Talk about rubbing noses in it. Got to say it didn't seem very Christian to me, in fact the opposite. Always had great respect for SA but that really made me angry.
My late mother used to talk about people “licking the alter steps” which meant their life didn’t reflect the way they behaved in church.

Our local primary school is very good, but it is a C of E school and oversubscribed.

You would be surprised how many parents suddenly become religious when their child is about 2 years old ;)
We live opposite a SA family.
Many many years ago we had terrible problems with our electricity supply with all the houses in dark and cold for an entire day at a time. The SA man had a generator (not one just to keep the freezer going but a full blown one) and whilst other families with children were in the cold and dark and hungry his entire house was lit up like a Christmas tree. Talk about rubbing noses in it. Got to say it didn't seem very Christian to me, in fact the opposite. Always had great respect for SA but that really made me angry.
My late mother used to talk about people “licking the alter steps” which meant their life didn’t reflect the way they behaved in church.
I took one of my ex SA bosses to a tribunal for bullying. I won the case and also compensation. He made my life a complete and utter misery simply because he could. The same boss was secretly having a fling with his 16 year old daughter`s best friend who was also 16. He thought he was getting away with it until one Sunday morning and in front of the whole SA congregation his wife "outed" him. He collapsed in shock and had to be carted off by ambulance. I was honestly delighted that the moron had his comeuppance.
The other side of the coin was one other SA boss who to this day I adore as a human being and as a SA officer to look up to and respect. A gem of a man who not only talks the talk but walks the walk. He would walk over hot coals to help people and lived his life to help others and still does.
The SA aren`t demi Gods, they`re human beings with the same faults, failings and not always nice traits as the rest of us, the difference is some of them THINK they`re better than the rest of us.
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Vienna There are awful and good people in every walk of life just some are bigger hypocrites than others. I’ve sort of got a benchmark of the louder you shout your good deeds the less of a good person you are whereas the true heroes always hide their light under a bushel.
Sadly so true.
Empty ships make the most noise, as the saying goes.
If you have good values, your actions will be a reflection of them.
Everyone can lapse from that, so we should join up the trend of someone's actions before coming to a firm conclusion.
The Born Agains as I call them and I have interacted with or had to work with the most selfish money-grabbing people out there. Oh, wanting everything done for free can anyone help me with plumbing electrics etc but not paying for it. Yet will take every opportunity to tell you how they have been saved
I wonder how some of them can call themselves Christian, as they seem to be extremely selective about what they believe in. So many search out passages in the bible to support prejudice and bigotry, sadly. There are some who mainly quote from the old testament rather than the new. It says a lot, in my opinion.

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