Registered Shopper
Can you imagine the outcry if it was Asians,disabled etc had to self isolate.
And knowing the numbers they get in Mosques, will they too have an embargo of small congregations ? or will they be exempt one wonders.
Can you imagine the outcry if it was Asians,disabled etc had to self isolate.
I don't understand how more and more people seem to be into "flat earth" type things and beliefs. Nor how many dismiss history.
I wish I had a recipe for a bread poultice. It seems as if I'm contradicting what I just wrote but some of the old methods did work. Not as wonderfully as antibiotics did when they were first used, but I've no doubt they helped many. I was brought up in a family terrified of gangrene and sepsis. It hasn't taken that long for that fear to seep back in due to antibiotic resistance. I fear for a future that will see needless deaths due to infection from a simple scratch again.
That is if we survive this virus. We're doomed!
Although I was born in the 50’s and not the dark ages my family were fond of the bread poultices, I endured several but for the life of me I can’t think what for and my parents are no longer around to ask. I know it has something to do with the yeast drawing out the infection.
Even today youngish acquaintances here believe in “charms” given by specific people for specific ailments. In the past you went to see these people who gave you some daft thing but I’ve now heard of it being done over the phone!! Old country folk I can sort of understand but these are 20/30 and living in big towns.
However bad the situation gets please don't be tempted to eat either of theseI don't understand how more and more people seem to be into "flat earth" type things and beliefs. Nor how many dismiss history.
I wish I had a recipe for a bread poultice. It seems as if I'm contradicting what I just wrote but some of the old methods did work. Not as wonderfully as antibiotics did when they were first used, but I've no doubt they helped many. I was brought up in a family terrified of gangrene and sepsis. It hasn't taken that long for that fear to seep back in due to antibiotic resistance. I fear for a future that will see needless deaths due to infection from a simple scratch again.
That is if we survive this virus. We're doomed!
That's horrible. Illiterate thugs.When I got to work at the bookshop yesterday I found we had been burgled.
They took the contents of the safe, the bottles of hand gel and anti bac spray from the staff room, the toilet rolls from the staff loos and my stash of Jaffa Cakes!!
They didn't touch the stock guess they were happy with the hand sanitiser and loo rolls![]()
Although I was born in the 50’s and not the dark ages my family were fond of the bread poultices, I endured several but for the life of me I can’t think what for and my parents are no longer around to ask. I know it has something to do with the yeast drawing out the infection.
Even today youngish acquaintances here believe in “charms” given by specific people for specific ailments. In the past you went to see these people who gave you some daft thing but I’ve now heard of it being done over the phone!! Old country folk I can sort of understand but these are 20/30 and living in big towns.
Onions are amazing, we had our hall, stairs & landing decorated last year & the smell was all over the house. I was told to cut a onion in half & leave it in the hall overnight & it would absorb the smell. It did. No onion emoji so a onion tears one insteadYour'e not on your own LATI, aside from bread poultices, my nan would hang a cut onion over the bed so any germs we had when ill would be dealt with on the onion - a bit like the old fly papers attracting flies !! and then there was the.... wait for it....... sliced onions which were boiled in milk to eat in fighting a sore throat ! Strangely that seemed to work too !
I had a full set when I was born & four weeks later my paternal grandfather died; when I became a granny I decided to find out as much about him as possible & his WW1 war record was, as with so many in that conflict, humbling in the extreme. My maternal grandmother was the most important person in my life, & with apologies to all who are in it now, she still is. I adored her, can still hear her voice & I'm more her granddaughter than I'm anything else. Her favourite expression was "the magic of ordinary days" & she could make the most basic event special. She loved animals & was especially fond of garden birds, watching her put out her hand & call "Bobby" then see a robin land on her was like a conjuring trick for me. She died when she was 85, two days earlier she had been to the hairdresser & she passed wearing her red lipstick. What a woman.I envy those who have memories of Grandparents and their generation.I only had my maternal Grandmother and she died when I was 3.I just remember her as an old lady in a black dress.
On the subject of treatments my Father had a carbuncle on his neck which I think is a multi headed boil? The GP treated it with something new, it was called penicillin.