Steven Corfield's shop broken into.


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Sadly it seems to be a phenomenon for thieves to target the same person/house twice for whatever reason. As if it isn't vile enough to do it once ffs, they have to nip back for anything they might have forgotten. Utter scum. It happened to my dad a couple of years ago, the police were adamant it was someone he knew reasonably well. Wow... A man in his seventies living on his own, who's starting to go senile, and the bastards rubbed their hands with glee. Ugh.

Poor Steven and everyone else who was robbed, how awful. Well done to him for soldiering on.

Very good reason behind it targeting twice (and sometimes even more times). They wait for you to replace what they've stolen, and claimed on your insurance... then they hit you again for the brand new items. This pattern has been going on for years. What's particularly nasty about it is that they obviously watch out for when you get the replacement items. If you don't replace, you often don't get that second visit.

The thieves think of it as a victimless crime as they only see the insurance company paying out. They don't give a thought to the emotional impact of criminals in their homes or workplaces, picking over their possessions that they've worked hard and saved for. They don't care that some of the things they take or break during the crime are irreplaceable, or represent intangible memories of a lost loved-one.

They are too greedy and selfish to think of trying to work for something they want. Instead they see others have things, and just take them. Often they target their own neighbourhoods, often taking from people who could ill-afford the items they've been robbed of. Horrible, horrible people. They aren't stealing necessities - they either steal goods to have a short-cut to a lifestyle they think they are entitled to without having worked for it. It's all about selfish instant gratification...

And it always pays to be aware of burglaries in your area - they tend to target an area so there are often multiple burglaries in that area - then they move on to another location and repeat the same pattern. Same with thefts of cars, or thefts from cars.

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