Steam press iron


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Jun 26, 2008
I bought a pink one from QVC 2 years ago and to be honest I didn't really need it and have very rarely used it. So I've just sold it on EBAY for half what I originally paid.

This morning while giving it a wipe over before the purchaser collected it, I noticed a crack in the (plastic)handle and realised that it's a weak spot in the design, the point that bears a lot of the strain when the top of the press is pulled down. If I had used it regularly it wouldn't have lasted more than a few months. So I had to withdraw the sale, inconvenience the buyer , lose money etc etc.

Is it worth my while letting QVC know, what could or would they do, or should I save my energy and just take it to the dump ?

Linda xx

PS similar problem with a steam mop bought from Lakeland of all places. Good strong and efficient machine, let down by the plastic water tank which has cracked after 18 months. That's already at the dump. Don't let me buy any more electric gadgets,
I had the same machine as you (I think) and loved it.Used it loads.Noticed it leaked a bit,to leaking a lot.I got a bit worried about it - water and electrics and all that!

I did phone QVC about it and I really did want another one.I was just within my 1 year guarantee - something I didn't know about with QVC and electrical items? and I got it picked up and refunded.I've hankered after another ever since but a) haven't seen one and b) am a bit wary of them now.

IMO its always worth phoning QVC?

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