I didn't post this yesterday 'cause it didn't seem right, but early yesterday morning my son called to say that his mother in law committed suicide on Christmas eve. His wife and her mum were like best friends would speak every day if they weren't seeing each other for girlie shopping trips, spa days etc. She recently got married to DIL's and her brother's stepfather, they'd dated in their teens and drifted apart but got back together after her mum's relationship with her kid's dad broke up - she seemed happy although I didn't know her all that well. No note, no rhyme or reason other than they'd had a petty argument on Christmas eve and she got drunk. It's an awful thing to happen at any time but at Christmas I just feel it makes it ten times worse. I feel so awful for her, and my son of course. They were supposed to be having Christmas dinner with them yesterday. Poor girl will have presents under the tree from her mum, we were supposed to be spending boxing day with them to have a silly afternoon of board games - just how different things could have been - it's just awful beyond words. I feel like crap today as I didn't sleep that great but that's nothing compared with what they and the rest of her family are going through, her poor husband who found her!