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Gem Genie

Registered Shopper
Jul 30, 2008
North East Wales
Do others of you find that there seems to be an all too frequent error message on the website and that you are not able to place orders. The result is that by the time you have changed to Q cut, the item has gone.

I am a person who would much rather order on the website so that I can put things in my basket while I make a final decision. This flaw though is very annoying and you would think that QVC would be big enough and powerful enough to sort out a better server.

When are we going to get an Android app too?
i get it all the time and it often wont let me order for a few days on a trot... but i have found a way around it.... clear your cookies and data and you are laughing. another option is to open a different browser. i usually use chrome but when i really want to order and it is acting up i open firefox and add to my basket there. this also wakes chrome up and after refreshing that browser my basket works again.
hope that helps
i find the whole buying online with QVC odd and dated. i have ordered twice on there, and every time i needed to send the order to a different address and i felt it was more chance that the order was successful as it seemed as archaic for a company with a huge turnover, when you comapre amazon ordering for example with QVC youll realise what i mean..... i hope
I shall try the clearing cookies etc but I use Firefox anyway and it is always happening on here. The joys of technology eh!
i dont think it would matter which browser, just the use of 2 different ones.

i agree about the online ordering being very old, dated and cumbersome to use (to match some of the fashion lines? lol)
I've only ever encountered the website problem a couple of times, but just to go off a tangent for a mo, with apols to the OP, I've just had to get rid of Firefox - did an update when offered, only to find that it would no longer support my McAfee Site Advisor or my Google toolbar, so it was goodbye Firefox and at the mo am road-testing a browser called Maxthon...hopefully it will be ok the next time I try QVC online!
I find it can be very erratic, sometimes it's fine other times you don't know if the order's gone through or not till you check your account status. I also get spells where you can't open certain pages when looking for stuff.

I wouldn't hold your breath about getting an Android app though. It took years & years for them to make it possible to view their product videos on Macs. Lost count of the number of emails I bombarded them with about it. Especially as the US site had no problem with supporting it.
Using another browser does seem to work. They have had this problem for years now. I use Firefox but keep Chrome handy for when I get the 'can't order' message. That always works. It works in reverse, too...
I shall try the clearing cookies etc but I use Firefox anyway and it is always happening on here. The joys of technology eh!
I also use firefox, anda tip I can give you is to open another window, not a tap, before you order and then you have no problem
I also have Firefox and it happens loads - really annoying. It is usually solved by using another browser, in my case I use Internet Explorer.

The big advantage of ordering on line is getting the extra 5% off by going through Quidco.
Totally off topic here but I've been hearing about Quidco and never used it before, is it any good and do you need to pay for it or anything like that?
Totally off topic here but I've been hearing about Quidco and never used it before, is it any good and do you need to pay for it or anything like that?

It is very good - I've had a few hundread pounds from it. You do have to pay to use it but that money comes out of money you earn so you never actually have to pay Quidco directly.

What is it?

It is a site where if you are going to buy something online you look on Quidco first to see if that shop is listed. If they list the site you can then get a certain ammount of cashback from your purchase. This can vary a lot depending on where you are buying from and the value of the item you are buying. As an example I bought a new mobile phone and got £45 cashback. You don't get the money back straight away though - it can take a few months. but it's worth the wait.
I find if you put items into the basket and then don't check out within a certain time you can then not do anything else. You have to shut it down and start again. I think there was a thread about this problem on here some time ago - lots of people have the same problem.
It always happens to me when I am trying to order a OTO or a tsv when it's busy. I like to order on line as I always use top cashback which is a free site and I think you get 5.5% cashback from avc and there is no charge to join or use. I have had a few hundred pounds back from there. Well worth a look at
I use Firefox, but have never had any problem when ordering off the website. I go to QVC via Quidco or Top Cashback and you have to clear your cookies when using those sites, so maybe that's why ordering from the QVC website has been problem free for me (so far.)
Just had a load of hassle putting a big order through using the 4 Easy Pay code, so after messing around with browsers and having the same problem with Firefox and Chrome, I tried Opera. Eureka! It worked!

BUT. And it's a big one. I went to eBay straight after to check out prices on some Decleor stuff and I got a message that due to a French court ruling, I can no longer buy certain French perfumes and cosmetics. Even used stuff is blocked! Has anyone else seen this? I went back to Firefox and can now view the blocked items but if this is going to happen on all browsers, what are buyers and sellers gonna do?? Is this the writing on the wall? I find few bargains on eBay these days, but still...

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