Soks and Moet update


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Feline & Veiltail Techie!
Jun 26, 2008
Two Elms left & One Oak north of Pixie Wood on the
Hi everyone

I hope you, and your family pet members are well.

The girls situation hasn't changed they are still living separate lives, the Cat Whisperer the proper name for her escapes me came and saw the girls and she thought both girls had been taken away from their mother too soon, and when they reached their human home they hadn't been socialized, and also their extreme nervousness especially Moet she wondered perhaps if they had been ill treated at some point. She did suggest finding a home for one of them but therein lies a problem as Soks being diagnosed with slipping knee caps before I got her insurance in place and the could in the future be an operation required also Moet has been diagnosed with the same in one of her knees but it isn't as far along as Soks, so I haven't insured either of them.

The CW said to me that eventually Soks could come round as she doesn't get angry when she see's one of the many neighbours' cats which come and sit on the fence outside the kitchen window. There isn't any transferred agression which is good as that started it all of in the first place. At the moment I put Soks in the kitchen and I let Moet in the living room to have a wander around to get used to the space though if my son is in the living room she won't come in and will sit at the open door and look in which he finds upsetting as he adores her and Soks so their reactions gives credence to male ill treating them at some point.

I have to admit I do despair at times with the situation but as I said in one of the threads that was lost it's going to a very long haul.
The main thing is both girls seem to be coping with the situation, they both have their own things and I buy everything in two's.
As I sit here typing this I can here Moet running up and down the stairs and coming into the living room she sound's like an elephant she is so heavy on her paws, she's now on the back of the couch rubbing her face on my computer chair, treading away and purring like nobody's business.

Well I guess that's all for now.

Keep on doing what you are doing. They may never be bestest mates but will probably rub along together (in separate ways). The question is can you cope with this?

Lilo Lil.
Thanks for your reply LL, the world coping has come into my mind every now and then but it's more for the girls on how they are. I ordered a pet crate which came this afternoon and I am going to put one in that while the other is free, I was originally going to replace my living room door to the small hall with safety glass but it was too expensive and my housing association said I would have to keep the door I took off, so the crate is a better and cheaper alternative. So far Soks and has gone and sat inside it so that's a bonus I hopefully won't need to bribe her fortunately she's a petite cat and you can move her about it's only when she goes into whirling dervish mode that you have to back off lol, god bless their little paws.
She can actually be quite like having a toddler in the house but thankfully no nappies lol.

I shall plod on!

I know that both cats are well loved and cared for. You will find the right solution for them even though it may take some time. Keep us informed of how things pan out. Good luck. LL.
Thanks for the update piper, I've been wondering how things were going. You're another one who deserves a medal for your patience and dedication. I hope things will continue to improve albeit slowly. Keep us posted.

Just read about Pip, Soks and Moet in your post on the pet insurance thread too. Poor little mites but lucky to have a loving home.

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