So Angry!!


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Crazy! Surely they should fulfil waitlist orders first? At least they know that waitlist customers want the item, rather than air it on a show where hardly anyone might buy it? I really don't understand why they don't fulfil waitlist customer orders first, surely that is the right way to do things?
My top tip if something has sold out is to wait about 45 minutes from when it sold out. You might then find its miraculously back in stock. People hold things on the web and they automatically get released. Those do NOT get allocated to waitlist but there aren't many so you need to be on the ball.
Very good point. I just missed out on something so phoned CS who advised me the same, and lo and behold, I got my item two minutes later.
My top tip if something has sold out is to wait about 45 minutes from when it sold out. You might then find its miraculously back in stock. People hold things on the web and they automatically get released. Those do NOT get allocated to waitlist but there aren't many so you need to be on the ball.

This is what I always do if I've missed out on something. Also I am guilty of having items on the basket and not checking out but in my defence it is usually because the stupid presenters won't give sizes and I'm using it as a holding bay until I know that it is ok to go ahead or not.
well they replied, but it makes no sense...

"Thank you for contacting QVC.

I can confirm that the item you purchased has not come back into stock since you placed your order.

Stock may have shown as available if a customer decided to cancel their order before it was dispatched. However, once the system detected this stock it will have been allocated to a customer on Waitlist.

I am sorry that you cancelled your order and hope that you will be able to purchase it at some point in the future.

If we can help with anything else please get back in touch with the team.

Best wishes"

but its showing as in stock at the moment and i did re-order it and its already been dispatched :doh:
I only use Waitlist to secure a price and/or EZP. I check the website every day and when the item comes back in stock I call CS and tell them to send it to me. No other reason to go on Waitlist as far as I can see, unless you want to be certain that you won't get the item.
I too have never received a sold out item I joined waitlist for. Only a letter 2 months later to say they could not fulfill my order and so cancelled it. Seems like a pointless non-service. I am liking the suggestions on here for getting round the system and securing what you want though! But why should the customer have to do all the leg work, checking daily etc. It is simply not good enough, and no way to treat customers!
I agree it's not the end of the world but it is bad customer service and it is annoying, it's like being in a queue and finding out that what you wanted has been given to someone behind you in the queue.

I got a Leighton Denny kit from waitlist and found it was a return. :mysmilie_51:

Hmmm! I wonder how many waitlist items that come back into stock are actually returns? Makes you wonder doesn't it?
well they replied, but it makes no sense...

"Thank you for contacting QVC.

I can confirm that the item you purchased has not come back into stock since you placed your order.

Stock may have shown as available if a customer decided to cancel their order before it was dispatched. However, once the system detected this stock it will have been allocated to a customer on Waitlist.

I am sorry that you cancelled your order and hope that you will be able to purchase it at some point in the future.

If we can help with anything else please get back in touch with the team.

Best wishes"

but its showing as in stock at the moment and i did re-order it and its already been dispatched :doh:

I'd be tempted to reply to this email and tell them, lets see what rubbish they spout to get out of it. lol!
Waitlist only activates when a new batch is brought in.

If there are a few returns, or cancellations, this might show as in stock, when really there is only 1 or 2.

This is what allows you to buy it.

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