I've recently bought what I thought at the time were great bargains, a pair of Apricot Paperbag twill trousers and Nina Leonard Boucle trousers, both under a tenner without postage, and both the same tan shade.
I must have really short legs for my height because both of them scraped the floor, but that can be altered. My issue is with the sizing of these brands. The Apricot trousers (made in China) were thin polyester, not a bad design, but teensy on the waist and huge over the hips. It was cheaper to alter than to spend more postage so I moved the buttons and hand-sewed the buttonholes so it just about (only just) fits on the waist, but it's still too big over the hips. The Nina Leonard trousers were absolutely ginormous (ugly boucle, too) and I could have got two of me into them, so that was a straight charity shop job. So after a bit of homework, I do have one pair of trousers for about £25. I never learn. I'll do anything for a bargain but why are these brands so different when it comes to sizing? Why can't they standardise? Who are they designing for? They showed the Apricot ones on perfect Sam Ovens and they seemed to fit her perfectly. Show them on women like us with hips and tums and maybe there'd be a difference.
I must have really short legs for my height because both of them scraped the floor, but that can be altered. My issue is with the sizing of these brands. The Apricot trousers (made in China) were thin polyester, not a bad design, but teensy on the waist and huge over the hips. It was cheaper to alter than to spend more postage so I moved the buttons and hand-sewed the buttonholes so it just about (only just) fits on the waist, but it's still too big over the hips. The Nina Leonard trousers were absolutely ginormous (ugly boucle, too) and I could have got two of me into them, so that was a straight charity shop job. So after a bit of homework, I do have one pair of trousers for about £25. I never learn. I'll do anything for a bargain but why are these brands so different when it comes to sizing? Why can't they standardise? Who are they designing for? They showed the Apricot ones on perfect Sam Ovens and they seemed to fit her perfectly. Show them on women like us with hips and tums and maybe there'd be a difference.