I agree that he isn't Benny Hill material,but his job is not to make us laugh it is to sell the product which he does better than anyone else.
If I wanted a laugh a minute I would turn over to the comedy channel,but I ain't looking for a comedy show when I buy something,I am looking for a good demonstration backed up with facts and that is something that you always get with Simon Isles. Another top demonstrator on IW who very rarely cracks a joke or pulls silly faces is the young guy who presents the Tom Tom sat navs whose name escapes me.
On the other hand if you want to watch amateurs who pull funny faces and make endless mistakes and false claims then you can watch the resident clowns on IW.
And they are Lohan Love,Howard the welsh rarebit,Debbie Shore and Joanne (please do not discriminate against me because of my accent) the South African bint who is the love child of Ellis Ward.................:mysmilie_5:
I know who I prefer to watch on IW when I am thinking of purchasing a product and it ain't the "Crazy Gang".:mysmilie_854: