Thanks globey and joyla for confirming my instinctive suspicion and dislike of the thought of silicone bakeware. I've never even bought any of the stuff because I simply don't like the thought of using silicone to bake food in! (Rightly or wrongly, silicone has associations in my mind with breast implants and dodgy cosmetics ingredients that don't let the skin breath.) IMO it's just silicone manufacturers trying to find new uses for the stuff before the masses wise-up!
Sorry, kirkiegirl, I'm not getting at you or other people who buy this stuff, it's just that I'm naturally suspicious about things like this - things that just don't 'feel right' to me (things which seem so downright 'synthetic' and un-natural in a fundamental way). That marketers try to sell us such carp in some kind of hit-an-run way ( 'let's flog it to them, without telling them the full story... make a packet, then bail out') winds me up big time!!!