Sick of qvc abd presenters


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May 3, 2011
Am absolutely sick of QVC. The majority of the presenters are irritating in the extreme, especially Catherine Huntley - looks like an overgrown Barbie doll - Pippa - "yeah yeah yeah" - and that awful new presenter Anna - so affected and totally nauseating. The only presenters who are a pleasure to watch are Craig and Kathy Taylor - and the lovely Alison Keenan who is missed greatly - get well soon Alison. I find myself just getting wound up and cringing at most shows now. The delivery times are still too slow and the postage charges totally inconsistent and extortionate.
Am absolutely sick of QVC. The majority of the presenters are irritating in the extreme, especially Catherine Huntley - looks like an overgrown Barbie doll - Pippa - "yeah yeah yeah" - and that awful new presenter Anna - so affected and totally nauseating. The only presenters who are a pleasure to watch are Craig and Kathy Taylor - and the lovely Alison Keenan who is missed greatly - get well soon Alison. I find myself just getting wound up and cringing at most shows now. The delivery times are still too slow and the postage charges totally inconsistent and extortionate.

Zimples....don't watch!
Zimples....don't watch!

I am astounded on a regular basis at folk who hate QVC and the presenters. I know this is a forum and we are all entitled to our views before I get reminded but I simply don't understand how TV presenters can evoke such feelings one way or another.
I know certain presenters get on my nerves and if one annoys me then I turn off. I am not overly fond of Craig and DF so I don't watch them.
If you get wound up and find the service from QVC is bad then the remedy is in your own hands.
Yes, but just think...if we all absolutely loved QVC then we wouldn't need this lovely Forum to post our rants, annoyances and occasionally our compliments *few and far between* on ;)
I think people are "voting with their feet" and looking elsewhere, but on the rare occasion that they do have something you want, you do have to suffer whichever irritation they've chosen to present! And there are many of them.
I think people are "voting with their feet" and looking elsewhere, but on the rare occasion that they do have something you want, you do have to suffer whichever irritation they've chosen to present! And there are many of them.

Yes, I agree.
If it's beauty products, I sit there, get the gen, shuffle the claims in my mind, watch the demo, consider the price and then -

da! da! Da!

toddle off to look see on eBay :grin:
Of course we don't have to like the same things and it would be a very dull forum if we all agreed on everything all the time. It does seem to me though that lately there have been a lot of posts where it isn't a mild dislike or irritation it is an absolute hate of QVC and some presenters.
Sky+ is a wonderful thing indeed! I tape any show I'm interested in now and watch later so I can zip through all the bullcrap people like AY and JR come out with. If I'm interested in something I go on the website to see if it's still available and to Makeupalley to see actual honest reviews. Sorted = )
Honest reviews indeed!
As has been discussed on this forum, not all reviews get through.
I know one of mine was rejected.
i rarely watch QVC. i tend to rely on product videos (whenever possible) and reviews both here and on qvc to help me buy or not to buy. so most of the time when people complain or even comment about the presenters i have to think hard as to who it is.
I don't hate QVC and I would be a liar if I said I did, considering parcels arrive here from them on a far too regular basis!! I don't hate any presenters either. Hate is a strong word, especially directed at people I have never met, nor likely to meet in the future. There are a few who irritate me big time - Jill Franks in particular, AY, when she goes totally hyper on certain shows.and I find Charlie too smarmy. If it is a show I really want to watch, I will turn the sound down. I enjoy the banter on here, taking the mickey etc - some people are so funny, but if none of us were interested in QVC in some way, then this section of the forum (which seems the busiest) would not exist.
I think for me, the main problem at the moment is just that the presenters are going more hard sell than they ever were, and it's so much more noticeable in the ones who weren't before - I won't name names but it's fairly obvious. Phrases like "don't miss out - in fact, while this is on easy-pay why not buy two or three.." or "get this now because next time it's on air it might not be on easy-pay or at this low price..." are just designed to push people into making purchases. Stuff like this is making me switch off more than I used to. It feels less friendly than it used to and more brusque.
The presenters are sales people and not our friends. Some are more friendly and likeable than others but they are there for one reason only, to sell as much as possible.
As it has become easier for people to buy on line the presenters job has become harder and they have probably been told to push harder for a sale.
I have fallen for the hard sell too many times lately only to regret ordering things soon after .I then have to go through the hassle and expense of returning things. My return rate is high and I feel guilty about it all. Should I feel guilty! Is it only me who is so gullible to sales spiel ? I enjoy watching the beauty shows so don't really want to switch off -just not order on an impulse.
I record shows sometimes and whizz through them, especially if it's a two hour one.

Sorry, I know I'm repeating myself from earlier threads but I do think presenters getting on our nerves has a lot to do with two many shows of the same ilk with the same boring content! – applies to all channels!!
I often go for days without even checking what's on, then I'll make a bit of a pig of myself and watch several things, but I'm not ordering much - I don't like the hard sell, it annoys the hell out of me, and I do wonder are sales going down a bit is that why they're pushing harder? To read so many posts on here, lots of us are voting with our pockets and ordering elsewhere even if we ARE watching QVC..perhaps it's having some effect (one can hope!) - I know it's been said many many times before, BUT, if they did something with the P & P and delivery times I for one might consider placing more orders than I do. As for the presenters, can't really say that there are many of them I like - Claire is one and I know many people find her irritating in the extreme but I don't mind her...I can at least watch her with the sound on!
was thinking about this today when I got in from a rather full on tiring day at work. In the past I used to find QVC quite relaxing, the unreal world where everything was "lovely" "astonishing" "incredible" " fabulous" etc etc, anyway I switched it on and it was a gem show with some pricey pieces all on easy pay.Somehow it just did not sit well with me, of course that is my response and triggered by my circumstances but I felt alienated rather than aspirational and I switched off and read my book instead. Far more relaxing than listening to clare and charlie trying to out superlative each other.

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