Shut up alison for heavens sake!


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Jun 26, 2008
The actual beauty expert is so getting on my nerves on the actual Bobbi Brown show. the poor BB rep barely gets a chance to speak. Also she has been doing TV for the last 2o years during which she just might have learnt to look at the monitors and NOT refer to something the viewers cannot see, as when she greeted the BB rep saying she had just had a baby, when all we saw was stills of products! Cannot imagine why they keep her on.:mysmilie_51:
The bobby brown guest isn't a celebrity so she's not fussed about her , had it been Lulu , Tova or John barrowman she would have been all over them like a rash like she was at 4pm.
Alison young is fame hungry, which is sad because the reason why people liked and respected her in the first place was due to her honest advice, but every time she appears on air with the likes of Lulu , Tova and John Barrowman, the respect for her goes. She used to state that she wouldn't appear with anyone that had work done on there face , Well hello Alison clearly that went out the window. Alison is now just a sales woman on Q, she's not longer a beauty expert than you can rely on, she will recommend whatever she's selling on air at the time. The in the salon shows with Alison used to be appealing as they offered good advice, viewers could txt in the questions and Alison would answer them, Now we get a Besuty fix show full of products they cant shift.

I do actually like Alison as a sales woman but do I trust her advice , Hell No !!!
I watched a couple of presentations of the red carpet tsv and the difference was staggering. Debbie Flint (granted, she was working with her sister) let the guest talk at length about the kit. There was a lot to learn and it was interesting. I saw AY later in the day and thank goodness I had already picked up what I needed to know because she ruined the presentation, butting in all the time with complete irrelevancies. It's pointless expecting anything to change after years of the same old thing. The presenters are stuck in their ruts and that's it. It's particularly unfortunate in the case of AY though because she is the 'expert' and she does know a lot. But the guests are supposed to know more and she'd do a far better job if she let them talk in peace. What happened to the shows where people asked questions and she gave advice? That wasn't too bad.
But the guests are supposed to know more and she'd ......

Having watched a prog about behind the scenes of West End musicals, a fledgling producer - Amy (?) (trying to get Happy Days off the ground), appeared as a 'guest' on QVC flogging the No No hair removal system - because she admitted she needed the money ! So I doubt whether the guests ACTUALLY do know more, and after that little reveal, have decided that 'guests' are a complete waste of time !
Few points/questions:
Alison Young: YES shut up! I turn off...

Debbie Flint's sister?! What did I miss? Is main lady who does red carpet manicure, Debbie's sister. How funny!

Yes i saw 'Sound of the Musicals' on channel 4 thursday evenings. It's a fascinating series. And this week I was so excited when Amy Ansel the American lady who presents no!no! Was shown going to Qvc towers and presenting. As you say she didn't come across as an expert on hair removal ;)
Well, China Girl, little Will is always hanging about with his tablet or whatever and asking for tweets, which I generally ignore. so fed up with all the pretentiousness that I tweeted on the above theme to Alison, and you can reply or favourite a message, and that is what she did. it was probably Will. being ironic I imagine. I would normally never twweet or ring in to Q, but she was shrieking so much it was ridiculous. I am sure it will make no difference whatsoever.
But the guests are supposed to know more and she'd ......

Having watched a prog about behind the scenes of West End musicals, a fledgling producer - Amy (?) (trying to get Happy Days off the ground), appeared as a 'guest' on QVC flogging the No No hair removal system - because she admitted she needed the money ! So I doubt whether the guests ACTUALLY do know more, and after that little reveal, have decided that 'guests' are a complete waste of time !

Not in all cases, it is so annoying when you have someone like that who knows nothing about the product and just learns a script, but the Bobbi Brown, Bare Minerals etc guests to work for the company know their stuff. Also Alexis from L'Occitane who has a vast knowledge, Keely from Elemis and that woman from Decleor, come to mind.
I recorded the Bobbi Brown show and just watching it now. It's so annoying when AY just goes off on stories about being on airplanes or with her horses, it can be in no-ones interest because it reduces sales pitch times! It's a shame cos the Bobbi Brown girls really know their products and wanted to be able to say more.
I remember the days Alison would try and shame the models on air about having surgery, botox etc. Would so love her the do the same to lulu!!
Remember her with Jo Skinner (the model who, apparently, was too fat for QVC) she was always pointing out her wrinkles etc.

I think AY should go on a refresher course so she is up-to-date with modern trends for make-up...........
I remember the days Alison would try and shame the models on air about having surgery, botox etc. Would so love her the do the same to lulu!!

During one of her anniversary shows Alison kept asking people to txt in and ask her which QVC presenter has had botox, she made a big fuss out o itf during the show , and in the end said she couldn't say.
I like Alison. I'm not interested in what any of the guests have to say on the beauty shows because they all talk complete rubbish with their ludicrous claims. They're not there to dispense wisdom, they're there to sell, pure and simple. They're salespeople just as much as the Q presenters are, and they'll say anything to entice us to waste our money. I watch the shows that Alison presents because of Alison. I enjoy her tales of the farm etc., and I like her dry, self-deprecating wit, she makes me laugh. I won't be buying her products until they're cruelty-free, but I'll continue to watch because I find Alison entertaining.
Agree with you about Alison,Scout. I met Alison and chatted to her. She was very nice. I would rather have Alison without the pointless brand ambassadors TBH.
Me three. I really like her. She doesn't appear to always tow the line and can be really cheeky and misbehaves sometimes. I like her self-depreciating wit too. She makes me laugh and is great fun to follow on Twitter. I guess we can't all like the same people :)

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