Should viewers be wary of ordering products from the Bid TV Shopping Network?


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Jul 18, 2010
Considering the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) has referred the Bid TV Shopping Network to OFCOM (Office of Communications) which presides over licensing, research, codes and policies, complaints, competition (and protecting the radio spectrum from abuse), should viewers of this shopping network be wary about purchasing goods on their channels from now on?

I have my suspicions that Bid Management might pull the plug before OFCOM does it for them or as a result of the adverse negative publicity, sales will drop dramatically the company will suddenly close. In my opinion, people should be wary, particularly if a wave of 'bargains' or 'promotions' should suddenly appear. I would hate to see thousands of people not get their orders as Bid go out of business leaving their buyers 'high and dry'.

What do people think? :clock:
It's worth considering Greg however, given Sit-Up's bullish (and indeed often laughable) responses to the deluge of ASA Complaints I feel they aren't the type of outfit to go down without a fight so I suspect they'll probably try to weather this almighty storm.

But they should be under no illusion they'll be getting watched even more forensically than ever now. They had better be on their best behaviour :wink:
I actually hope they do manage to weather the storm, and come out of the other side of it as a company with some integrity. I don't want to see the channels go, although there's at least three presenters who I'd be more than happy to see the back of, perhaps give 'em jobs behind the scenes!

As nasty as this sounds the company does deserve to bite the dust, and heaven's knows what pinnacle of bullsh*t they would have reached by now if nobody had complained to the ASA, it actually doesn't bear thinking about! They've had warning after warning, and at first it seemed as though they taking things seriously, but very soon some bright spark thought of a way around it....well at least they thought they did!
Like I said before, it was playing out like the fairground arcade game "whack a mole", as fast as one shonky practice got knocked down, another one popped up in its place! I found it quite disturbing to think that they obviously had a man or woman beavering away behind the scenes trying to invent new ways to deceive the customers and get away with it!

I hope they can get though this, but somehow I can't see it happening.....I'll give 'em three months tbh!
Yes. They should always be wary and check on the net for where they can get it cheaper. Not just now, but always

If they do pull the plug, what's the betting half of 'em (on the way to the job centre) will come on here berating us and if they do we should all feel very proud. Very proud indeed that we have, in a small way, put a stop to their selling techniques, downright dishonesty and have helped get this shoddy little station off the air. It's so sad to see the way it has roller-coastered down hill recently
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I'm with merry, I hope they do weather the storm, they give a lot of people entertainment and company.
Right from the start we said that all we want is honesty and transparency but I fear some people have taken it to be some sort of witch hunt.
Hillary is right, we should be proud to have brought this about because it can only mean change for the better (or they go out of business!) so I hope they can get their act together and become channels with integrity.
Out of all this though, it does mean that the likes of Kat Baker and Moet&Muffins now come over as complete jokes in their pathetic, unjustifiable defences of this bunch of charlatans!
I'm with merry, I hope they do weather the storm, they give a lot of people entertainment and company.
Right from the start we said that all we want is honesty and transparency but I fear some people have taken it to be some sort of witch hunt.
Hillary is right, we should be proud to have brought this about because it can only mean change for the better (or they go out of business!) so I hope they can get their act together and become channels with integrity.
Out of all this though, it does mean that the likes of Kat Baker and Moet&Muffins now come over as complete jokes in their pathetic, unjustifiable defences of this bunch of charlatans!

Thanks Deedee, though Kat Baker was a troll and probably had no links with the channels and was just trying to get a reaction (as trolls do!) Wouldn't be suprised if the same person wasn't behind the "fake journalist troll" that we had the misfortune of coming across quite recently. M&M I can understand, if they're not actually Mike Mason ( for the record I don't think they are as they're not aggressive enough) and is indeed a friend of his family, then I guess they'd want to stick up for their mate, I know I would, unless they'd committed an act of attrocity....Yeah ok, but ykwim!

Like Deedee and Hillary have said I hope people can see our crusade as a good thing. We were never out to ruin livliehoods, just to see fair play!

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