Should Men Of A Certain Age .....


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
.... do the pink cardi, rolled up jeans, striped socks and brogues preppy look ? :angel:

Just don't know if it's the story, that a certain man of that certain age should now be telling ????? :tongue:
Should any man of any age be wearing that get up? Seeing as he's the so called fashion expert, you think he would use some of his vast knowledge to dress himself in something other than a cardigan?!?!? Since when did they become fashionable for men anyway? As to the half mast trouser (no s) well........ good grief! I simply can't watch him! :giggle:
Should any man of any age be wearing that get up? Seeing as he's the so called fashion expert, you think he would use some of his vast knowledge to dress himself in something other than a cardigan?!?!? Since when did they become fashionable for men anyway? As to the half mast trouser (no s) well........ good grief! I simply can't watch him! :giggle:

Put quite simply-I can't stand him 'coming through'!
The thing people need to remember is that fashion is something for the young: they have the youthful confidence, the attitude (and let's face it, the bodies!) to carry off stuff that would just look plain stoopid on someone twice their age.

And so it should be: dressing in silly clothes is all part of being young and finding your own identity, where it doesn't matter if you follow some daft fad because at some stage you'll (hopefully) grow out of it.

Seeing more mature people like Glen dress in clothing that a hyper 17 year old on a sugar rush would laugh at is downright embarrassing. All he needs to do is try and "get down wiv' da kids" with some dad dancing and a spontaneous rap or two about playing out in a Centigrade coat and he'll complete the direness of his image.
I wish QVC would just take a moment to realise that us customers are not idiots and can see that Glen is no fashion expert. Why do they insist on using this man who clearly has no idea about mens or womens fashion. QVC need to move on with the times.
What happened to Genevieve???, I liked her fashion tips and her knowledge. I also liked the range she did but that seems to have gone too.
Glen Glen the cliche man
trouser rolled up Around the town
deck pink shoes and forgot your socks
teaching women how to wear frocks!

Glen Glen what do you know?
that cashmere cardy doesn't go
socks my fella... let me rant!
go on your feet, not down yer pants!!
I know I am on my own with this but I like the way Glen dresses. I think he has style and it's nice to see a bloke not slobbing around in a football shirt and jeans or looking like his mum picked out his clothes.
Let's face it, fashion and QVC don't really go hand in hand do they?! Isn't Glen billed as a stylist? Or is he the resident fashion expert?! I don't watch during the day so don't see him often; sounds like he was going for the Great Gatsby and has ended up more the Great Gonzo;-)
Why is he there at all? Or do some people really not know what to do with a pair of shoes? I could tell him but he might not like it much!!
Shoes? Shoes? We don't have shoes, we have 'a little flat pump', or 'kitten heels', or 'a wedge'. Presumably to go with our 'little trouser'.
Don't you think he should be senting a style example for males over the age of 50 ?
Can't see the college preppy look is bang on trend for the stylish of a certain age man about Chelsea.

what cracks me up is when you get three of them wafting on about an item, the "designer", the presenter and the Glen flinging in garbled nonsense. It must add to the cost of an item to pay that little lot to talk endlessly about a basic top or a pair of shoes. And it's the way he says "kinda" every other word that annoys me immensely at in:
"We've got a kinda beach vibe kinda going on here with this polyester kaftan which will kinda suit a lady on an age kinda when she wants to kinda go the kinda beach" He's meant to be a professional and he looks daft and talks even dafter.Silly silly man.
i like him.
i like that he doesnt wear a grey suit a la charlie brook and dale franklin.
what do you want a fashion expert to wear? a pair of jeans and a hoodie? he is there to promote the QVC brand, which is (for Q) casual. fat women sat watching the box. thats the audience. if he were trying to sell elasticated polyester whilst wearing an armani suit it wouldnt look right now would it? think about it please, and give the man a break, he is paid to speak about the ranges and passes comment as necessary. we all have to earn a living. at least he doesnt lie about wearing everything.

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