Shocking delivery


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black diamond witch
Jun 24, 2008
What do you do if you're trying to deliver a parcel to Jantaculum's house but she's out?

Simple - throw it over the six foot high side gate, and let it sit out in the rain.

That's just how to deliver a breakable electric item like the Yankee Candle tart burner.

Thanks very much Hermes delivery person.
That is disgusting, what have QVC said?

The new delivery people are total carp. My mum has alot of deliveries from QVC, the new people step all over mail that is one the floor in the porch and kick it out of the porch onto the outside step, then they hammer on the door only to find they have left it in the meter cupboard, they then SLAM the porch door and the front gate and I mean slam.
The funny part is that if the parcel is too big for the meter cupboard they leave it in the porch with the card ON TOP of the parcel stating where they have left it.
How stupid was that - hope you get a replacement soon Jantaculum.

I am so lucky with the lady that delivers from Hermes. She also delivers Next stuff and I think catalogue items and pretty much has delivery for the whole housing estate sewn up. She delivers every day and always leaves my parcels in the unused recycling box I have especially for that purpose. Wish my mailman was as good.
That's appalling Jantac, I would be tempted toi phone QVC (if by some miracle it's still intact!) & demand a replacement, being as you can now not guarantee the safety of an electrical item having been treated in such a manner!

As I've said before, I have on more than one occasion been sat within sight of the front door (approx. 6 feet away!), seen a shadow pass the front door & yep, parcel just dumped outside (even in the pouring rain!), delivery man made no attempt to knock or anything!

They are absolute pants, they really are & that's being generous!
Thats shocking isn't it? Paricularly when qvc charge the postage prices that they do...

I've done most if not all my xmas shopping online.I haven't paid any delivery charges - actually,I paid a penny at M&S !!!! And £2.50 at yankeedoodle for 7 large heavy jar candles - so I can live with that.

It really does put qvc postage into perspective :(
Thats shocking isn't it? Paricularly when qvc charge the postage prices that they do...

When I think of the lovely chap who deliver my shiny, blingy stuff from elsewhere, (nearly always mid-morning, knocks, waits, even smiles......!), the delivery lot QVC use seem even worse in comparison!
Maybe not so bad if you only had RM to compare them to......! lol
i was listening to a phone in the other night on the radio and a guy phoned in to talk to a solicitor about a shopping channels delivery. He said he hadn't received several parcels and the courier company had said they'd been delivered. The shopping channel that he didn't name were not being particularly helpful and the solicitor said he should take them to court. Hermes take note
I've emailed QVC and await the standard fobbing-off response

Actually I'm not sure whether to be outraged or amused that anyone can be so - well - lacking in common sense (says she trying to put it politely!)
i ordered a TSV for a friend for her birthday it took a bloomin month to arrive by which time her birthday had been and gone. Eventually they agreed to refund the original P&P costs as well as the return postage costs but it took several calls to get them to agree. Good luck Jantaculum
Back last spring, I had the most glorious tub of tulips by the back door, and the flowers had just nudged their way into bloom.

The delivery man didn't even bother to knock at the front door, he took my parcels up the drive, leant over the gate, and frisbeed the lot so that they neatly sliced off every flower head.

I could have cried, but what made it so much worse was that it could only have been deliberate.
Touch wood as I live in a staggered terrace house my parcels go into my bin cupboard if I'm not in, I got a surprise on Sunday morning when my courier came to the door with my first Charlie bear.
There is no excuse for the way some of you have had your parcels thrown about, I'm sure the delivery person would not want their packages treated the same way.

Back last spring, I had the most glorious tub of tulips by the back door, and the flowers had just nudged their way into bloom.

The delivery man didn't even bother to knock at the front door, he took my parcels up the drive, leant over the gate, and frisbeed the lot so that they neatly sliced off every flower head.

I could have cried, but what made it so much worse was that it could only have been deliberate.

Lazy git! People like that should lose their jobs.
i was listening to a phone in the other night on the radio and a guy phoned in to talk to a solicitor about a shopping channels delivery. He said he hadn't received several parcels and the courier company had said they'd been delivered. The shopping channel that he didn't name were not being particularly helpful and the solicitor said he should take them to court. Hermes take note

I have over the past couple of years had several parcels either not arrive of things missing from them, all delivered via Hermes. I know darn well it's the driver taking them. She's dressed head to toe in Boden clothes, and it's always Boden that goes missing. Anyway the other week she knocked and I could see what she was handing me had been tampered with, I said I was surprised it had come via her as Boden were investigating missing things from my parcels. Trying to find where along the chain things were going missing. Her face was a picture. Thankfully this one she had obviously opened it and didn't like anything, and it was all there.

Anyway, since making her aware and in a round about way letting her know that I know it's her, everything has arrived fine since. She no longer dumps it either, if I'm not in she comes back. I think I got her really worried, cheeky c**.

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