SG put your brain in gear!!


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Nov 9, 2008
I`ve got the Tignanello hour on in the back ground and just heard SG mention Lulu Guiness bags..don`t know exactly what she said as I wasn`t sat watching ..... not clever but Carla was quick to say something like why pay that when you can get quality for less .... if I was selling my wares on QVC I certainly wouldn`t want another brand mentioning in my hour ..I hope Carala takes her to task later!!
I`ve got the Tignanello hour on in the back ground and just heard SG mention Lulu Guiness bags..don`t know exactly what she said as I wasn`t sat watching ..... not clever but Carla was quick to say something like why pay that when you can get quality for less .... if I was selling my wares on QVC I certainly wouldn`t want another brand mentioning in my hour ..I hope Carala takes her to task later!!

I doubt it would make an iota of difference. Sara Griffiths ALWAYS knows EVERYTHING better than everyone else!
The stupid bint has just suggested that the removable long strap could be used as a matching dog leash. I just hope she was saying it tongue in cheek otherwise I think it merits the stupidest thing said on TV 2015 award.
I noticed this comment, thought it was funny that she (SG) was almost talking us out of considering paying for Lulu G (not that I do).
Somehow I don't think Carla will be rushing to have another show with SG as she has just made her very uncomfortable in regard to a conversation on walking dogs and /or children. In the end CL felt so bad that she apologised to camera and assured people that although she didn't have children she was not a child hater. All this from a discussion on what you keep in a handbag.

Totally unprofessional Missey Sara, you are not clever. I noted that your Q profile states that you are a communications and presenting coach, well madam I think that particular coach has its wheels off.
Has this bleeding woman taken over QVC. I rarely watch anymore but every time I've either flicked over gone to watch a show Miss "I Will talk over everyone because I know sooooooo much better than anyone else on the planet don't you know"

In the middle of the Eek presentation she launched into a discussion about hair styles without any rhyme or reason and totally out of context.
Somehow I don't think Carla will be rushing to have another show with SG as she has just made her very uncomfortable in regard to a conversation on walking dogs and /or children. In the end CL felt so bad that she apologised to camera and assured people that although she didn't have children she was not a child hater. All this from a discussion on what you keep in a handbag.

Totally unprofessional Missey Sara, you are not clever. I noted that your Q profile states that you are a communications and presenting coach, well madam I think that particular coach has its wheels off.

I missed that What did she say this time?
I don`t even know what she said about LG handbags but I`m sure I wouldn`t want another more expensive brand even being mentioned when I`m trying to sell mine... like I said I hope Carla told her what for!!
She`ll make a good coach at talking over people and being ignorant!! if she thinks she is good enough to teach presenting she is deluded too !!
Somehow I don't think Carla will be rushing to have another show with SG as she has just made her very uncomfortable in regard to a conversation on walking dogs and /or children. In the end CL felt so bad that she apologised to camera and assured people that although she didn't have children she was not a child hater. All this from a discussion on what you keep in a handbag.

Totally unprofessional Missey Sara, you are not clever. I noted that your Q profile states that you are a communications and presenting coach, well madam I think that particular coach has its wheels off.

This was VERY AWKWARD!!! Carla looked mortified and smarty Sara didn't help the situation, wasn't very professional or friendly manner! :mysmilie_11:
I think I heard SG say the other day she is covering quite a lot over Christmas ( Isn't she is Freelance, so will probably be covering slots so others can have time off?)A total turn off if anyone was thinking of dipping into Q during the holiday period.Sorry to impart this news--I will be out of the country!
I hope she isn`t teaching her son those `manners` she managed to get in the other day something about her `acting` think she said Shakespeare ..again wasn`t listening properly ... has she been in anything on TV ? Or is that like the coaching?
I'm always shocked to see her back on. I'd have thought she'd either been given her marching orders or at least been warned strongly enough to start trying to modify her behaviour by now.

Either way, if it's a show I want to watch, I turn the volume down and tape it in case she lies (again) about something. Thank heavens for Sky+ so I can run through these presentations as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Are they going for 'scruff is the new fashion'? We had LG bags recently to carry your dripping meat home from the supermarket in, now another brand of bag you can use to hang round your dog's neck as it sniffs its way around dirt and puddles.

I look forward to the first brand of dresses suitable to use for floor mops.
I think I heard SG say the other day she is covering quite a lot over Christmas ( Isn't she is Freelance, so will probably be covering slots so others can have time off?)A total turn off if anyone was thinking of dipping into Q during the holiday period.Sorry to impart this news--I will be out of the country!

I expect she will want to spend as much time as possible,with Caspar, over the holidays.
I hope she isn`t teaching her son those `manners` she managed to get in the other day something about her `acting` think she said Shakespeare ..again wasn`t listening properly ... has she been in anything on TV ? Or is that like the coaching?

I saw her few weeks ago on Doctor Who, OLD Doctor Who with Sylvester McCoy, it was a pretty dire story as well but to be fair, she was actually quite good, had a broad welsh accent. Also read on here she's been on Emmerdale a few times
Never felt the need to comment on her before, but saw her yesterday afternoon on the L'Occy show, and she was going on about just having had 3 days in Lapland with her son, and was waving her I Pad around saying thank you to people who had looked after her, gave me the impression it was a freebie how she was gushing. Then when we finally got to the TSV she was banging on about getting all 3 options and it would only cost £1 a day for the 4 months you were paying for it, which would be less then half of your daily coffee etc. She just really got on my nerves - I had to turn off.
I think she is one of my least favourite presenters (along with JF and DF). I watched the Tignanello hour and bought the bag with the 'dog lead' strap. I don't have a dog but maybe I can use it as a cat lead!? Maybe not as my very posh Ragdoll cat prefers LG! Maybe I could use it as a belt, washing line, pair of braces, Xmas tree decoration....

'Dog lead' has got be the most stupid suggestion I have heard. If QVC think that is going to persuade more people to buy they are SERIOUSLY underestimated us. I bought because I liked the bag and it seemed a good price. Making all these stupid suggestions actually undermines the item they are selling.

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