Sara Griffths


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Jun 26, 2008
I'm watching her on the Computer Shop show, and wondering why she is wearing trousers made from black plastic bin liners? Surely QVC pay her enough to buy some leather ones.

I missed that Linda. Sara has said on numerous occasions that she likes to try different things - trouble is, there are occasions where one of the other presenters should step in and be a friend and say Honey, thats not a good look!

I remember her trying a 'different' look with a long necklace. Nearly strangled herself and put me of the peice of jewellery completely!

Been watching her on and off today and her "in" phrase seems to be "in essence" I've lost times how often she's said it grrrrr!!

AY has a contender for the most used word!!!
Oh yes i have noticed her use of that darn phrase for about a month now and its just soooooooooo irritating - i cant stand it!!!!!!:53:
her other favorite saying is "I have to say" Sarah please don't!! I also think she is having a bit of a personality crisis, her hair looks like a man and she does wear some odd outfits. I do like her and also wish someone would tell her it's not a good look bless her, I just wih she didn't gab so much.
her other favorite saying is "I have to say" Sarah please don't!! I also think she is having a bit of a personality crisis, her hair looks like a man and she does wear some odd outfits. I do like her and also wish someone would tell her it's not a good look bless her, I just wih she didn't gab so much.
She's also doing what the rest do, [except the individual Pipa] which I don't know why and having those what we used to call 'panstik lips', It's as if she's rubbed foundation over and forgotten the lippy! AK does it too which really does emphasise those skinny lips.
her other favorite saying is "I have to say" Sarah please don't!! I also think she is having a bit of a personality crisis, her hair looks like a man and she does wear some odd outfits. I do like her and also wish someone would tell her it's not a good look bless her, I just wih she didn't gab so much.

Yes I think it may well be bereavement.
Blimey - poor Sara! Everyone's really having a go this week aren't they?
I like her hair short, it looks elegant and stylish and not all frou-frou, that's all. She looked fab last night at the TSV launch. Very glam! Leave the poor woman alone! Maybe she just likes her hair, clothes, makeup like that! Gee-whizz I'm glad I'm not on tv!
OMG, just watching the Love u Laundry show, what is she wearing!!!!!
OMG, just watching the Love u Laundry show, what is she wearing!!!!!

I'm not sure... but don't they have stylists? Is she wearing this for a dare? A bet? Surely someone would stop her going on live tv looking like that.
I'm not sure... but don't they have stylists? Is she wearing this for a dare? A bet? Surely someone would stop her going on live tv looking like that.

And how would they win the bet then? Besides, the forum will be a much duller place if we didn't critise the outfits.
Actually I know I started this thread with my comment about her black plastic trousers, but I usually like Sara's style (thats why I picked on the trousers!).

The new hair do is lovely, quite gamine and suits her neat facial features. If only she would wear more eye make up to give her face more definition. She is forty this year and I think her style is entirely appropriate and usually attractive.

Actually I know I started this thread with my comment about her black plastic trousers, but I usually like Sara's style (thats why I picked on the trousers!).

The new hair do is lovely, quite gamine and suits her neat facial features. If only she would wear more eye make up to give her face more definition. She is forty this year and I think her style is entirely appropriate and usually attractive.


I agree. I am short and too wide and I would love to be willowy, elegant and neat of feature like Sara! She is also not too plastered with make up which I think would look weird on her.
I was watching her the other night on an item I particularly wanted to watch, and had to turn the sound off. She was gabbling so fast she was doing me head in :45:

Pauline x

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