Sara Griffiths overpowered by Simon Wilson


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Jun 18, 2012
Has anyone noticed how they both seem to be talking "at" each other, with very little rapport or chemistry? It's like she is somewhat in awe at him and keeps desperately trying to get a word in. Poor Sara. I actually quite like her and think she is very professional. I don't like Simon Wilson. He seems very full of himself! He looks like a corpse that's been dragged out of a morgue and dressed in Vivienne Westwood! Why someone doesn't tell him how absolutely RIDICULOUS he looks I will never know! He presumably thinks he's being daring and avant-garde, but he a sad, hashed-up gay man that wears sequinned jackets! You'd have got better outfits from a 1970s Oxfam shop!
No, but QVC are having a VBHD. (Very Bad Hair Day). First Jill Franks, then Alison Young, then Sara Griffiths. What have they put on their hair to make it so brittle and straggly looking? Yuck.
No, but QVC are having a VBHD. (Very Bad Hair Day). First Jill Franks, then Alison Young, then Sara Griffiths. What have they put on their hair to make it so brittle and straggly looking? Yuck.

Its called the TSV :mysmilie_17:
Makes a change from the usual critisism that a guest is overpowered by the presenter.

In any two person dynamic there will be one who is less dominant... it wont change.
Sara is an awful presenter , she come across as a posh stuck up cow, Bring back Pippa I say !!!!
Sara is an awful presenter , she come across as a posh stuck up cow, Bring back Pippa I say !!!!

Each to their own! I really don't like Pippa. She always seems to be trying too hard to be ebullient. It doesn't ring true.
Sara is an awful presenter , she come across as a posh stuck up cow, Bring back Pippa I say !!!!

I have been thinking the same thing Autumn, treacly and totally insincere. I know you can't love all the products , just explain them to the viewers, but she does from so very up high. yes please, Pipa come back soon.
Sara is an awful presenter , she come across as a posh stuck up cow, Bring back Pippa I say !!!!

She's back next year. I can't wait!

I liked Sara when she was on QVC previously, she didnt seem as shouty, but now she shrieks, talks over the guests and barely stops for breath. I had to turn her off earlier as I found myself yelling 'For goodness sake woman slow down and take on some oxygen!' She was prattling ten to the dozen and it had just turned into noise.
I caught the end of a show, at the very end Simon turned to Sara and said,"Great to have you back." She continued chatting away to him as the cameras cut off. They seemed pretty friendly with each other.
Simon looks as he is or has been on drugs for a long period of time, not only he is very slim with a yellow face (troubled liver) but also he very often struggles for words and his vocabulary is limited.
I thought they looked pretty friendly with each other at the end, which was all I saw of SG, thank you very much. I agree with all the above - treacly, monotonous - literally a monotone - and talks over everyone. A saleswoman needs a bit of bounce, even if you can't stand the sight of them, and she just doesn't have it. And her hair!!!!! Don't tell me she paid good money to look like that!

Not a favourite of mine.
I can't watch SW no matter who he is on with, I like Sara G I think she is a very professional presenter.
Sara is on with Julie from Peony now , Everything is so amazing and when one is at the florists they could easily spend more on flowers than the ones they have on air according to Sara.

These two together are dreadful!!!, Its like there having a "posh" off , so far Sara is winning by a country mile.

And now Sara has "negotiated" to have one of the orchids in her house , and later today she will tweet a photo of it, so not only is she getting a freebie shes going to rub it in our faces. :mysmilie_51:
I just had to turn the sound off with Sara & the Peony Flaaaaaaars lady, it was like a competition to see who could fit the greatest number of words out in 10 seconds! Gushing doesn't come close.( & why is Mrs Rutley Estate so orange?)
Sick of old oompa loompa woman! Someone should shove her overpriced plastic flaaaaaars up her nose! lool!
Simon can be a bit acerbic but at least there was NO chance he would let her outtalk him! She tried, boy did she try, but he just carried on. It was hilarious though when he had a pink clutch bag and she was desperately trying to grab it from him but he just kept moving it back towards himself so she just could not get it. I think she may have wanted it because he seemed unable to open it, but what bad manners just to keep grabbing for it. Some of these presenters may sound posh but they have no class, if defined by good manners, whatsoever.
He was on the other night with Julia and he told her off for making a noise and said 'You are not at a football match now' She looked really upset and for a moment i thought she was going to cry she put her head down to compose herself. I thought he was rude and out of order she just said 'well that told me'.
It's hilarious watching the Battle of the Egos. Now who would come off best???

In the red corner: Simon Wilson - and in the green corner: Alison Young.

My money's on Simon - he doesn't give a monkeys.
He was on the other night with Julia and he told her off for making a noise and said 'You are not at a football match now' She looked really upset and for a moment i thought she was going to cry she put her head down to compose herself. I thought he was rude and out of order she just said 'well that told me'.

That seems a bit weird, to cry over that? I mean I didn't see it so don't know how he said it, and it's not nice to be chastised in that manner, it just seems a bit of an extreme reaction.

I never saw the hour, but fair play to Simon. Sara Griffith's is a loud, rude and over-bearing woman who can talk for England. I saw her doing a jewellery hour the other day, and the poor guest literally could NOT get a word in edgeways. Every time he started a sentence, she would rudely interrupt the poor guy, she was loud and obnoxious . I couldn't believe she was allowed to get away with being so rude. So it's good to hear she has got a taste of her own medicine. She reminds me of Pippa only worse.

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