Saggy knockers and no teeth. Welcome to Pilates.


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Jun 24, 2008
I'm genuinely lost for words....

Unfortunately she's a terrible advert for Pilates which is a great exercise method. The woman has control issues and is verging on anorexic. Watch her video where she's talking about food. The way she looks has all to do with the fact she starves herself. I don't know how she finds the energy to exercise on a bowl of raw veg. She makes JF look positively wholesome!
I was bemused in the beginning of the hour when M was giving Franks quite a few dirty looks. I thought it was because Franks was saying a lot of rubbish and probably spoiling sales.
Oh Gawd, how did you manage to see it BB? This speaks about her diet.
Jill said she was born with scoliosis, I don't believe it's possible, you get scoliosis when you start sitting and walking if your muscles are weak.
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There are different types of scoliosis - one is congenital where one or more vertebrae do not form properly, or where vertebrae don't separate properly
Margarine looks dog rough. If JF has scoliosis why does she wear such skyscraper heels?Surely they can't be good for the back
Ewww those bunions are 'orrible. Are they Franks' or Burgervan's? Not that it matters really I suppose. Just euww
Isn't it awful the way we think of her as Margarine Burgervan now, and never give it a second thought :happy:
Yeh we should come up with a new name as that's just cruel Barb I agree. I mean..the woman's clearly never seen a burger or margarine in decades! :mysmilie_61:
Well that's Burlz for ya. And he put me right off that Lola Rose necklace with his "wiiiiillllmmaaaa" comment. Saved me a bob or two that day.
Did we get an explanation for the missing tooth? Did old Marge decide to hook up the power cord to her gob or something?

Thought Franks was actually quite good on this show. They should have left her as the resident fitness expert rather than letting her loose on other types of show.
Yeh we should come up with a new name as that's just cruel Barb I agree. I mean..the woman's clearly never seen a burger or margarine in decades! :mysmilie_61:
Oh i dunno, it sort of suits her in a weird sort of way.
Well that's Burlz for ya. And he put me right off that Lola Rose necklace with his "wiiiiillllmmaaaa" comment. Saved me a bob or two that day.

That made me LOL. Yeah did it , my first multi - quote .Thanks Fraz :happy:

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