Ruckley estate


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Ah yes, but they all look freezing to death with scarves around their necks, and the 'interior' is certainly not in the house - more like a converted cow shed !
I was brought up in a rocking great old house surrounded by 100 acres of land and woodland with an orchard and a stream running through it. Was I brought up on an estate and never knew it?

We've always called it a farm. :eek:)
Lots of stately homes have now converted their barns to allow small companies to operate from them. Some even build purpose built units as small factories. It is my belief that Peony Flahrs (which I would be quite happy to shove up where the sun don't shine) is nothing more than a light industrial unit.
A quick Google tells us that Julie Bates' parents, Keith and Margaret Ashbourne bought Ruckley Grange more than 30 years ago and set about creating a gorgeous garden. Thre is an article and photos concerning this by James Alexander-Sinclair. And, in fairness, the estate is big enough to have several cottages on its land.
Where ever it is she is selling a LOT of VERY EXPENSIVE FAKE flowers implying that we can have our very own country estate if we fill our homes with said FAKE flower arrangements.
I would rather spend the money on REAL plants for my REAL garden. I know not every one is as lucky as I am to have a REAL garden to have REAL flowers in, but most of us could find space for a pot plant.
I'm not a gardening fan- we just want a lawn for the children. But I do love real flowers but the trouble is I just kill them! I find that fake ones just gather dust so I can't win. I do have some fake flowers in a fish bowl thingy from "The Pier" (remember that?) but that's about it.
I would laugh if Ms Snooty was flogging her flaaahs from some old council high rise! lol! She should go to a market in the East end of London and shout: Roill up! Roll up! Come amd get yer cheap everlastin' flahs ere! Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs! Come and get yer flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs yo!
I'm not a gardening fan- we just want a lawn for the children. But I do love real flowers but the trouble is I just kill them! I find that fake ones just gather dust so I can't win. I do have some fake flowers in a fish bowl thingy from "The Pier" (remember that?) but that's about it.
You are too young for gardening it is a pleasure that hits a lot of us in middle age.
I like to garden and have done since my late 20s. However, I love my Peony arrangements since I suffer very nasty allergies and asthma and if I were to fill my house with natural living flowers then I would spend most of my time wheezing and grabbing my inhaler!

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