I'll stick with the 'ordinary' Wet & Forget, rather than buy that TSV. I've got 5 litres of it from last year, 5 litres of Spray and Leave from IW and also bought the RJ version when it first aired as I had run out of Wet and Forget. I don't think the RJ version is being sold any more so maybe it 'bombed?' Mine's still unopened for use in an emergency. I'm not holding out much hope for its effectiveness.
It might sound as though I have a 'thing' about this kind of product, but I really haven't. :cheeky: I just stockpile when I see a deal online because I have a large garden and it's all bloc paved. When I moved here I had a sea of mud where the lawn should have been so decided to get it all landscaped and do away with the grass. I've got raised flowerbeds so it's not like a concrete jungle, but is easy maintenance. On the next dry day I'll be treating it all for this year because Wet & Forget does a superb job, as does the Spray and Leave.