Richard Jacksons Garden TSV 06/01/18


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Just bought 12.55kg huge bag super premium wild bird food and it is not bulked up with with things that should not be in it Richard full of good stuff £13 free p@p and birds love it Jackie
Always enjoy a laugh at the presenters AK standing there pretending she has never listened to any of RJs tripe about his products before
the problem i find with seeds is the mess. i thought it was just the feeders spilling the seeds. but its the birds throwing out the stuff they don't want. even the ground feeders don't want it. and the seed i buy is very expensive and of good quality
I’m listening to the launch show repeat and curious to hear that Alison Keenan had 6 robins on her bird table last week.

I’m truly surprised because I have never seen more than 2 robins together, so I got the impression that they are more “territorial” than the sparrows, thrushes etc that descend on my lawn in their dozens.

Perhaps I need to serve them RJ’s bird food to ensure I get a crowd of Robins !

We had the grand total of 3 Robins for a while in the garden. Now we get a robin with a blue tit (bird that is, for all those sniggering - unfortunately cannot get the laughing smilie face to work). They seem to be an 'item'. I do think Robins are territorial too.
Food on qvc is so overpriced. & so it would seem for our feathered friends. This seems to be taking feeding the birds scraps to another level.? I am doing this from my new iPad & an all together a new experience!SF hits 2018!
I shall look forward to this TSV with gusto :mysmilie_59: Not buying any more plants from QVC though unless it is a good deal from De Jager. The winter pansies I bought (3 lots) are dead. Blah.

Bought some viola's from De Jager, they are just coming out, lovely strong plants and beautiful colours. Also bought a hydrangea from Plants and Gardens and that did very well last year.
Oh the irony of little Richards bird seed, brings all the ******** to air on QVC.

I would like to push little Richards and his bird seed where the sun don't shine.
What a tiresome twittering little gnome he is....:mysmilie_10:
I suspect the loathesome little toad owns one of those old fashioned diving helmets, so that when he gets home he can put it on and properly listen to the sound of his own voice.

I have barely seen him onscreen, but whenever I have he is ALWAYS interrupting the presenters.

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