Returns - still taking two to three weeks


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This is one of the reasons these companies are so fond of the falling auction format. Under auction rules, technically, any bid you make is legally binding. Uniting auction rules and distance selling rules can easily be manipulated to the seller's favour. xxxxxxxxx
Well, I am delighted to report the lovely John Bennett has called & emailed to apologise for what has happened.

My account is being reinstated and the Help Team are being told not to behave this way. Coloured Rocks want their customers to be happy and cancelling an order is fine.

All is now well with Miss Kitty.

Many thanks to John for taking the time to help his customers.
I'm pleased for you Miss Kitty and I hope that this was a rogue Customer Service Agent just pulling rank without engaging brain. However, they most certainly should not be given the power to do this in the first place - any cancellation of a customer's account should lie with the management team and not Customer Services.
They must have some sort of policy along these lines for a CS person to have acted in that manner at all. Even had they been simply over-reacting or jobsworthing, I doubt very much that they arbitrarily cancelled your account because they liked the idea. There must be some basic policies in place that made the person even consider such drastic action without taking advice first. I'm sad to say things like that, I never would have imagined feeling like this a few months ago.

However Miss Kitty, the main thing is that you are now a happy kitty. xxxxxxxxxx
I am very glad Miss Kitty has had an apology. I have taken to copying John Bennett into all my CS emails now. I have just asked for a couple of items I checked out to be sure of keeping them as refunds are not what I was promised - to be held until /friday when my £252 Rocks have had since they received the return on 18th Nov has still not been processed. John said hopefully 30th Nov. Then when I queried CS said well he didnt promise fgs - not checked out anything else as cant risk it
Call me cynical but I think that they do indeed still read our posts and, let's face it, it doesn't look good to have such damaging information available for all to see on an open forum. Be that as it may, I'm happy that you have had your account reinstated, Miss Kitty, and hope that you never have to deal with such appalling treatment again. Perhaps they should address the issue of unacceptable times for refunds before they punish customers for cancelling orders, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Or at all.
I think I am not the only one that before they took over Gems again, I would have defended The Bennetts to anyone and everyone. Not any more.

Okay when they first took over there was a honeymoon period as we know they had to make a new system on the hoof, but I believe that period is well and truly over now. They need to answer our questions and make changes, fast.
Still waiting for my refund - parcel rcvd on 18th Nov - refund 'promised' on 30th Nov. Jessica Bell was kind enough to phone me on 2nd Dec and put another hold on my order until next Wed - until my refund hit my account. Given this state of affairs I do not think it was out of the question to request that two items I bid on tonight could be added to that order - apparently the'system' wont allow it - well it'allowed it' a couple of orders back - Rocks CS always used to go that extra mile - one of the reasons one continued to shop there and Jessica as one of the originals was as helpful as she could be. All seems a bit one way atm if you ask me. I do agree John Bennett is very helpful - think CS is so big now they have lost the USP
Once again John Bennett has sorted the issue - just so you know if you purchase from Rocks or Gems and have your order held - items you bid on and put in your basket CAN be added to a held order. John confirmed in an email to me and copied to quite a few CS ppl that this is perfectly acceptable.
I returned stuff a month ago, and haven't even had an email acknowledging the parcel. It was before the severe weather problems, so I'm a bit puzzled as to what's happening. I have emailed, but so far no response, which isn't unusual these days. Absolutely ridiculous way to treat customers, and I can no longer be bothered ordering from them.
I returned stuff a month ago, and haven't even had an email acknowledging the parcel. It was before the severe weather problems, so I'm a bit puzzled as to what's happening. I have emailed, but so far no response, which isn't unusual these days. Absolutely ridiculous way to treat customers, and I can no longer be bothered ordering from them.

Blimey that is not good, have you tried live help if they are not replying to e-mails?
I have, Sazza, I was just waiting for ages and gave up in the end. I've emailed again and copied the management in. I'm fairly certain this one will get a reply, it was a Yo-special, and they can be quite stinging.
I have, Sazza, I was just waiting for ages and gave up in the end. I've emailed again and copied the management in. I'm fairly certain this one will get a reply, it was a Yo-special, and they can be quite stinging.

Yes I have had some lengthy waits in live help in my time too. It is ridiculous that we have to resort to copying management into e-mails in order to get a response, such a shame their CS is not what it used to be.

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