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Glitterbug - taking photos of gemstones/jewellery is challenging! If you have a camera with a macro setting (looks like a flower) get about 6" away from the gem and shoot - always try to shoot head on! You may need to experiment with your backgrounds. If you use black, sometimes jewellery goes blurry. White is better.

To stop fuzziness, I always put my jewellery on a flat surface facing towards me then put the camera on the same surface to stop shakes!

Looking forward to seeing your photos!

Wow Meesh you certainly know how to turn us all Paraiba green with envy........

Both rings are superb and in each of them the stones look so much better in their new settings.
Was the second one the one that Steve A personally delivered to your house, all those years ago? :happy:

We sure don't see PT's of that ilk any more, nowadays they don't even look as good as Sky Blue Topaz!

And many thanks for starting a lovely colourful and blingy thread, its what this forum has been missing. :nod:
Wow Meesh, thanks for this new thread, they are gorgeous and I particularly love the second one. You've made me come over all nostalgic for the 'good old days' of Gems when Don and Steve were around. What fabulous jewellery/stones they had on offer at really good prices. PT is certainly a stone that has proven to have investment value. Unfortunately I missed out on buying anything really worthwhile at the time, but imagine if you had been around in Brazil at the time of the original find and you'd bought a truck load of the stuff? You'd be sitting on a small fortune now!
Hi Meeshoo,
What a treat to see your paraibas in their new settings, I think the colour and neon qualities show really well in your photos.
Well done for having the vision to create the new settings, I love the double row of diamonds in the first ring and the triple on the second. A really breathtakingly beautiful ring in each case. Hope you wear them with lots of pride! Cxx
Tabs - I hope you're wearing your gem encrusted bib!

Sacha - the first Paraiba was the one that Steve delivered! The second one I got quite by chance. It had just loaded on the web and I spotted it but couldn't believe it was that good. Steve did look at it for me and he said that he thought it was a Meesh stone! He was spot on!

Jacqualina - I agree totally with you - I miss those days.

Briolette - thank you so much for your lovely words x
Both are extremely beautiful especially the first - such a lovely blue - I have been watching bling channels for over two years but never seen a PT that colour - I seriously thought they were all that washed out blue - didnt really understand the 'hype' surrounding it either - but seeing the colour of yours again especially that blue one - I can now understand it. Very very beautiful stone. I am assuming from the posts now not obtainablewith such depth of colour - what gives it that beautiful colour ?
Both are extremely beautiful especially the first - such a lovely blue - I have been watching bling channels for over two years but never seen a PT that colour - I seriously thought they were all that washed out blue - didnt really understand the 'hype' surrounding it either - but seeing the colour of yours again especially that blue one - I can now understand it. Very very beautiful stone. I am assuming from the posts now not obtainablewith such depth of colour - what gives it that beautiful colour ?

Thank you for your thoughts. It's interesting to hear from somebody who has only seen the Paraibas available for sale more recently. Copper and manganese are generally thought to be responsible for the "neon" and "glow" of these Tourmalines. Many many "paraiba" tourmalines that are sold today (by all vendors) are actually just Cuprian Tourmalines i.e. they don't have the neon/glow quality that separates a true Paraiba and that's the acid test - the colour - not the chemical content per se.

The Paraibas originally found in Brazil set the standard but of course there were good and bad (just as you get everywhere). When the same colour tourmalines (with the same chemical make-up) were found in Mozambique/Nigeria, there was an enormous broohahaa as to whether these new finds should be allowed to have the title "Paraiba". The resultant decision was yes, they should be but there are some who would still argue against! As you've probably noticed, it's only the Mozambique/Nigerian material that you see for sale now. A few years ago, GemsTV sold a few items with tiny tiny Brazilian Paraiba accents - I know a few on here got some of them and they weren't for sale for very long!

What is absolute however is that the finds of neon/glowing stones have been mined out and only relatively small amounts (when you compare to other gemstones) were found that would earn the title "Paraiba". Up until about 5 years ago or so, Paraibas were to be had at quite high prices but still relatively affordable. Nowadays, these gems are much more scarce and of course, where good ones are available, the prices are generally eye-wateringly high.

Unfortunately also, with the increase in treatments, Tourmalines are being treated and it won't be long (I suspect) before a treatment is developed that turns non-copper bearing tourmalines into Paraiba coloured gemstones. Thankfully we're not quite there yet but in the meantime, most of the Paraiba material for sale is dire when you compare to gems previously available.

If you see a pale or non-neon or non-glowy "Paraiba" give it a swerve! It will most certainly not qualify as such, despite being sold as one. A true Paraiba looks almost false in colour.

I hope I haven't bored you. It's the anorak in me and this, together with Alexandrite, is my very favourite!
Not at all boring Meeshoo - one of the reasons I like this forum is the wide variety of information and thoughts of the like minded or seriously addicted ! For me it has to be the real deal - the history and age and chemical make up determining the colour part of the attraction. Its good to see more photo's and I am seriously surprised by the colour of true paraiba - a mine of information - lol parden the pun
Here are the pics I said I'd try to post. They are not very good but are a first attempt to show some gems from the past bought in the Gems heyday!

The first is a 4 carat sapphire (confirmed as heat treated).
The second is a 2ct tanzanite and a 1/3 ct diamond - neither expensive but I wanted a round stone, these were bought as rings.
The third are a 1ct yellow diamond and smaller green one - bought because I love the fruit-gum colours.


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Not an easy thing to do for the first time so, many thanks for posting your pics Glitterbug. The Sapphire looks a whopper and a lovely deep pink, one of my favourites....:nod:. I took a long look at your third ring, enviously, as I must have missed GemsTV selling 1ct yellow diamonds.....was it in the very early days? A big :up: to your idea of fruit gum diamonds.....
just waiting for my
to come in and I'd be after a lovely large wine gum coloured one.......:heart:

Nice rings Glitterbug! Like Sacha, I do like the pink sapphire and it's such an unusual design. Lucky you!

I was also very surprised to see the yellow diamond ring - especially if that was an "early days" GemsTV purchase! Did you buy it as a loose gem or a ring? I'm fascinated to hear the story of this one.

Thanks for sharing your lovely piccies.
Hi Meeshoo & Sacha,
The sapphire and diamonds were all bought as loose stones from the early gems days. I think it must have been at the same time as the good paraiba was starting to come through. I was still working then and travelling a lot so had plenty of evenings on my own in hotels with nothing better to do than watch gems!
I have a friend who is a jewellery designer and she has set quite a lot for me as rings and pendants. Most are in 18ct yellow gold as that is my preference. Some stones I bought elsewhere and a lot were from resetting other rings. She also did a fun piece in silver with 2 big fake diamonds.....
Before the change of ownership, gems confirmed that the sapphire was heat-treated only and that the diamonds were not coated.
By the way Meeshoo I liked your statement that paraibas should look artificial in colour - I had one on the other night and a friend was fascinated by it. It was a lucky buy from early Rockstv not too expensive, only a bit included and 'smack you between the eyes' colour.
If I get better at pics I'll post some more - probably in the drop.
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