Guest Shopper
Would it be a good idea for qvc to provided some sort of recovery room, for those presenters who are so completley in a state of shock at some of the prices. Is it only on air they learn of these 'incredible reductions' their gasps, and moans, Ooooooooing and Ahhhing but worst their high pitched shrieks and squeals as Dawson this morning with the elemis tsv and as Young regularly suffers from the 'shock condition, when her shrieks go up several decibels at a Christmas surprise etc. Flint is another one who reckons to be 'Bowled over' by shock! They should all be took off air provided with blankets, sweet tea, and some sort of tranquillising hyperdermick which can work quickly, as some of them moan and shriek so loud, their poor bodies must be hyperventilating. or is all this 'good acting skills' either way their 'shock' tactics neither fool nor impress me but they do hurt my eardrums or wake me up if Iv been snoozing in front of a show.