Is Julia a veggie because of ethical reasons or because she simply dislikes meat ? The reason I`m asking is some people have no qualms about meat production or even buying/cooking meat for other people but they simply don`t like the taste and texture themselves, much the same as i hate cauliflower cheese for those very same reasons. My middle son doesn`t eat meat but doesn`t call himself a vegetarian, he simply doesn`t like it but doesn`t object to cooking it for his girlfriend or when they have guests. He`s never liked meat, even when he was little he`d poke it around his plate and said it tasted yucky, no matter what guise it was in, stews, casseroles, roasts etc he`d turn up his nose and he`s 36 now and still finds it horrible to his palate. If he were a tv presenter he`d have no qualms selling it as long as he didn`t have to eat it !