I have to say i have worked with hundreds probably thousands of people in my life but for talking complete and utter bulls excrement the bald one takes the biscuit but i cant help listening to his b*****ks i do enjoy a laugh
Have to say I'm a bit like that with all of them, they're a right weird bunch and not just the presenters but the so called guest experts as well, find their shows addictive as I get such a good laugh listening to their crap, they are also so stupid they don't realise the amount of times they are contradicting what they've said in a previous show. Also find it good as a stress relief, get a good rant at the TV when they spout their lying rubbish. I find it hilarious the amount of stock update they give out, and the amount of times things are about too sell out, but are still on sale the next day, the amount of times the say lowest ever prices when they've sold it at that price before or the amount of times they say things like, "I truly believe", "I'm being honest" etc, oh and their little monologues to the camera as though they're your best buddy, WTF that about, who cares about their families or what they buy.
Some of the biggest laughs i get is at their health and fashion shows, it's when they claim how the latest miracle cream or tablet has transformed their skin and looks and i'm in stitches thinking, well they obviously haven't looked in a mirror lately, or when they do the fashion, which they always compare with top fashion brands (the name dropping they do is unbelievable) when Primark would be a truer comparison, and how they all look so good and transforms their figures etc, again either they haven't looked in a mirror or they all need to go to specsavers.
Food/cooking and exercise machine shows are a laugh, healthy eating/ healthy living and exercise is always mentioned and so good for you and has been a great benefit to them as they've bought it, yet, not only are the chefs overweight but so are most of the presenters and they have the cheek to recommend products as they encourage healthy eating/living etc, bloody unhealthy hypocrites. :mysmilie_19:
But best of all is the watch, phone, home appliance & furniture shows, the rubbish, lies and ******** spouted during these shows is staggering, how Peter V is a guest technology expert is beyond me, and the guy with the drones, just feel like throwing something at the tv when he's on, must be the most arrogant, annoying person on their shows, you know what he's going to say before he even speaks, "pro level features of a pro level drone that cost 800, 900, £1000", "Big toy shop in London" etc etc, same crap every time.
Although there is one presenter I never laugh at, that's the Joanne Vander......, never heard anyone in my life utter so much inane drivel without breathing as her, I just last a few minute and turn the volume off, get a headache listening and I just pity her poor husband, he must suffer migraines if she's like that at home.
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